Friday, February 2, 2024

Early... peaceful quiet

 I had slept a good deal of the day away yesterday, so I didn't think I would sleep much last night. However, I made it to 3:30 and got up. I don't know what it is but I haven't felt well for about 3 or 4 days. Nothing specific, just achy and hot and cold. Very irritating to say the least. I wanted to prepare for the Zoom call later today so I made my way to the studio and worked on a monitor issue I have been trying to fix for two days. The attacks are never ceasing now days. I think the enemy thinks he can  'wear us out' and we'll give up. Won't happen. It just serves to increase the resistance. Kinda like the attacks on Trump. The more they pound him the more he rises in the polls and in the hearts of the people. People aren't stupid. The left thinks we are but they are in for a 'lickin' on most issues pretty soon. Blindness is a plague amongst the young and there again, the left thinks they can bully and BS them into going off the deep end. How sad. Our great young are being manipulated. Lord, gives us the insight on how to reach them in love. They deserve better.

I can almost 'smell' Spring coming. The onslaught of birds to the feeders is increasing. The species are increasing and the birdseed is 'flying out of the feeders'. I can't wait to see the 'Hummers'. They are my fav. I love to watch the iridescent feathers change colors in the sun as they buzz about, fighting for a spot at the feeder. It's amazing to see how they maneuver and dodge and dive. God sure does some magnificent things, doesn't He?

I heard a talk on prayer. The concept the lady gave was good. We do need to believe as we pray. Touching the heart of God is easy; He loves us so. It's in the 'believing' that we get the answers. Too many times we 'throw up' a prayer and desperately expect it to be the way we want it. I am hoping for God's way now. The lady explained a little about hope too. We don't hope enough. We don't listen enough. We don't 'seek' like we used to. The 'drive up' mentality is taking over. Some think things should be 'ready on demand' and that's not at all how our Lord works. He wants a 'relationship' built on mutual interaction and not circumstance. He's the one that 'made' all of this. Why don't we rely on the 'Creator' to learn how things work?

Thanks for the 'ear'....

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