Sunday, January 30, 2011

...the frozen ones

We left the house for church in time to stop by McDonald's for a Sausage Biscuit. The weather was very pleasant. I thought to myself how nice it was at the time and didn't think anything else about it until I walked outside a few minutes ago. The temperature must have dropped 20 degrees or more since noon. I don't guess I should be in the least bit surprised. After all this is Oklahoma.
I think the old saying, "If you don't like the weather just stick around a few minutes ", totally applies to the situation.
We're having a singing here at the church tonight. Ordinarily I would n't think much about it but I get to invite a couple of friends and that should prove interesting. One guest is an associate pastor at another church. He is Native American and really loves his heritage. I invited him so that he would do one of his Indian stories and play the flute. I love the sound. It's peace and harmony all rolled into one; ever so mellow. We played together at his church not long ago and it sounded pretty good. I'm looking forward to it.
The other guests are Kent and Phyllis; old time friends from back when Dianna and I attended Melody of Praise. They are special people. Phyllis has a puppet named Becky who seems more like one of her children than anything else and Kent plays several instruments.
This should prove to be a real fun evening.

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