Monday, January 10, 2011

...winter woes

I sat up in bed and wondered what time it was. I had failed to set my alarm on my phone and had even left it downstairs out of earshot. Not knowing made me restless and so I clamored out from underneath the covers and started the daily ritual of getting myself out the door and to the office.
The weather has moved in on us like a slow moving train. It hasn't really bogged us down but I do have an issue with my wipers. One is shredded and the other doesn't want to clean the entire surface.
The pace slows a great deal here when the weather makes an entrance. I don't know why some people can't adjust to the circumstances. They seem to be oblivious to the changes and still drive just as carelessly as they do in good weather.
I haven't felt well in several weeks now. The stopped up nose and the aches are a constant reminder that something is going around that causes all sorts of problems. It seems a s though everyone in our house has had this at least once. I'm going on my third go around with this stuff. When does it end?
Aren't we supposed to be joyful all the time? I miss the mark quite a bit on this one. I like being happy and exuberant around others but today is just not that day.
There's just no fun in being sick.

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