Saturday, January 1, 2011

...ho, ho, holycow!

I couldn't believe my ears when I heard the words.
My first reaction to a statement made by a colleague about something that had occurred overnight was disbelief.
"Well, that's just something that happens sometimes...." It was as though it was no big thing to him. I on the other hand, saw it as something important and to be addressed right away. Which one of us was right?
I have to check myself ever so often to see if I'm becoming too complacent or too soft or even too hard; a constant review of my feelings and point of view. Not that my opinion matters in the slightest, but I do consider it my duty to keep things on somewhat of an even keel as it were. And I believe that there should be order and safety in a society as well. If we allow violence to go unaddressed then we invite more of the same if the subject is met with little or no repercussions for committing the offence.
I have to submit to the authority of the office and conduct myself with the best possible attitude at all times. That is a mandate from God not just a premise of man and yet I see the opposite occurring here with no ramifications. How do I in all good conscience keep silent?
Should I speak out? Should I keep still and watch? What is best here? Is there even a solution?
God help us.
I am troubled and yet at a loss for answers; stymied by the circumstance and somewhat disillusioned. I can see where prayer is the only recourse that doesn't bring on even more confrontation. Perhaps that is what Paul was referring to when he said, "Pray without ceasing."

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