Saturday, April 18, 2015

....its what keeps us alive

Are we free? Do we have say over what we do or do not do? Can we do whatever we want without reservation? What is freedom anyway? Is it just a byword or a catch phrase or a public direction waiting to be activated by some unknown power?
It it flesh and blood, metal or plastic, wood, hay or stubble? What is freedom, really?
Where does freedom come from and how does it connect us and make us one? Is your freedom the same as my freedom or do you have more of it to use than I do or vice versa?
Are we in search of freedom or is it always with us, present and powerful and operating the way it is intended?
How do others see freedom? Do they keep it to themselves or do they pass it around 'freely' to one and all as they would a glass of water to a thirsty man? What constitutes real freedom? Is it just a mental state that can only be reached by and through the minds of the wise or the rich, or do the poor and the needy have access to freedom like the rest?
Why do we need freedom? Are we in danger of being held captive by some thought or deed or power that takes our freedom away from us and keeps it captive?
In what hour did freedom come and in what hour will it leave? Have we built a towering altar to freedom and shut the door to it's graces or have we flung wide the gates allowing all to enter that will so they may drink from the sweetness of it's depths?
Freedom will never leave on it's own, it will have to be taken; surrounded and conquered and led away in chains to some dark and dreary place that no one can find.
It is our duty to nourish freedom; build it and make it stronger than any oppression or oppressor.
We must take and keep our freedom like we do a good medicine, made for our benefit and sustenance. Its what keeps us alive.

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