Wednesday, April 8, 2015

...loving far outreaches the alternative

I'm another year older and I certainly feel it.
In fact, I spent most of the day yesterday on the couch. What a wimp!
No, this isn't going to be a gripe, I'm pleased that I got his far judging by the condition my condition is in.
It wasn't too long ago that I was questioning the possibilities, but here I am, still in one piece; still breathing.
There are so many in worse shape than I am. I marvel at some; the ones that never complain. They only issue words of comfort and encouragement even though the circumstances are far from bright. How I admire them with their stalwart personalities and strong convictions.
What with the 'climate' around the globe these days, it is easy to see how some might take exception to a favorable outlook on life. The news is often bleak and brimming with death and dire straits. Suffering is glamorized by polished reporters looking more like extras in a movie than news people. The ever increasing hatred that's growing day by day seems as though it may overtake the good that others do but I'm holding out for the positive. We can still change for the better if only we will try. Loving far outreaches the alternative.

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