Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Now that's power to the people, people...

It's been an eventful birthday.
I got over 50 facebook posts wishing me a 'Happy' today. How nice to be remembered by so many dear friends. I didn't have any idea  there would be that many.
Looking back on it, I think that there are too few rememberances of our celebrations and milestones. Everyone seems so busy; and to what end?

The weeks pass by so swiftly and yet nothng changes but the weather or where the next terrorist attack has taken place. Everything sounds the same anymore and tastes the same and feels the same. Variety has vacated the premises. It's all 'packaging'.
Watching the news is like watching a meandering river that keeps circling round to meet itself again, continuing on and on in a never ending cycle of 'sameness'. The news channels cover one story for days on end when there are far more newsworthy subjects 'begging' to be addressed. A single plane crash takes ten days to report, while a drone strike in the Middle East has taken out a group of top terrorist leaders, but never gets so much as a mention on the top networks. It's ludicrous. Reuters reports what goes on as the big television networks spend hour upon hour discussing what a man was thinking when he crashed a plane filled with innocent people. He was nuts people! What else can you say about it? Why beleager the point past reporting what you know about it instead of what you are speculating. Who wants to hear 'speculation' when you are looking for actual news?

I rememeber the 60's; when nothing was alike. Everything had to be different from everyone else's.... 'whatever'. Colors were fading in and out and then growing brighter again and then fading out again. It was like everything was  progressing into a rainbow of change, especially the thoughts and actions of the people. It didn't matter if you were a president or a pauper. The idea was to be different somehow and to accept the differences around you as part of what life was all about. We didn't try to 'bottle' everything up or 'package' it, we just looked for something to create that made life easier, and simpler and more peaceful and less stressful.

It's like stress is a necessity today. If you don't have stress, you create some, to be like everyone else around you so that you're not seen as 'different'. The norm has turned into a bad disco song that doesn't end, it just repeats and repeats and repeats.... I think we need a spiritual booster shot.

If everyone stopped everything they were doing for one day and just sat quietly listening for the Master's voice until it comes. It wouldn't take long. Just a bit of time with nothing on your mind but God and His purpose for your life.
That would solve a lot of the world's issues right there. A simple exchange between Creator and created, to get thngs back on track; running in the right direction at maximum power and productivity. Now that's power to the people, people...

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