Sunday, July 23, 2023

Our day was good. The Spirit of the Lord was evident today as we worshiped and listened to the message. Brother Robert gave an exceptional message on being saved and staying saved; with many scriptures included that certified and verified the point. Too many use the Baptist doctrine of 'once saved always saved' to their advantage and don't actually refer to the Word for what is really the truth about it. 

God is very specific about 'enduring to the end' when it comes to salvation, but man has distorted that belief and I'm sure there are those in jeopardy because of it.

 I pray that our minds are clear on this because it means life and death to us when we misinterpret the Word and 'bend it' to our own selfish wills. God is not mocked. His truth is truth and there is no exceptions to the rule.

How we treat the Word has everything to do with obedience and peace in our lives. We must be in line with the Word or we separate ourselves from God and bring about a whole new set of circumstances that are detrimental to our whole existence. 

I listened intently to the message, knowing Robert had done his homework on the subject. His 'take' on things has a very insightful touch. It's easy to see why God has blessed him with this gift. I'm sure he will reach many souls for Christ in his ministry. I will continue to pray for him to mature in the Word and in his relationship with the Master.

Dianna has cooked for the first time in the new house. I could feel her delight and I could feel her slight frustration in not having things 'in order' as she was preparing this first meal.

We are both excited to see what God will do with this ministry here in our new location. We have longed to get back to full time ministry but we believe that will take a bit longer to accomplish unless God does things faster than we expect; and that's always possible.

Our friends have been a huge asset to us in this move; sacrificing time and resources to help us 'move the world' once more. I can't believe how much 'stuff' we have. It's like it multiples overnight and grows more as each day progresses.

I can't wait to assemble the studio furniture. We have a new desk and two new shelves to put things on. the look is totally modern and slimmed down to a much sleeker look. I don't know where everything is right now but I will tackle both trailers with a vengeance and unpack as swiftly as I can in order to get back up and 'running' again. I can't believe it's been 3 months since I 'signed off' and began breaking down the equipment in order to transport it here to the new house. So much work to get it packed and loaded and so much to go before it's reassembled and working again.

The day is closing out now and the sun is retreating in the western sky. Di is resting on the couch after a day long effort to prepare and serve and clean up. Bless her heart. I see the zeal in her eyes as she watches the people go through the line, getting plates full of her delicious food. So many others are bringing in their favorite dishes as well, to share amongst the church members as our lives are enriched with love and fun and with learning things about each other. It's easy to see the blessings God is pouring out here. We have been through a great deal these past few years and to see how far we have come; it's amazing. A lot of churches have crumbled and no longer exist, but this one is thriving because two people heard the call and answered. God has truly blessed us.

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