Monday, October 16, 2023

 How cool is that?

We often find ourselves in places that are uncomfortable. I know, you're possibly thinking it's a location, but that's not what I'm talking about. The 'location' I'm referring to is relational. We say or do something that sets the tone in a totally different place than intended. 

I emailed a friend the other day and he totally misunderstood what I 'said' as being negative, when it wasn't meant that way at all. I had to back track a little to calm him down somewhat and get the 'train' back on the track I was aiming for. 

I love words. I even named the blog after words. Words are so expressive, but only when they can be 'heard' in the right context. We often think we are being 'heard' when we are not. The fast pace of our lives today can set us up for a lot of misunderstood dialogue along the way. I am becoming more and more aware of this issue because we are getting into some pretty tricky situations around the globe and not many people are stopping long enough to actually listen to a point of view past the first few words in the sentences. I hear people interrupt others before they can even finish a thought and suddenly go in the opposite direction the speaker was going with his or her point. There's too much confusion here. 

We all just need to slow down long enough to let the other guy say what he or she has on their mind and 'then' comment. It sure would cut down on a lot of the arguments that are happening right now. No matter what side you are on, it's does take a little diplomacy to navigate this world, to say the least .

Love is or should be a big part of our loves and the lack there of sets the stage for some awful  outcomes. Without love we are crippled and not really able to function properly. Let your mind relax a bit when you think someone is going against the grain. They may not have the ability to express themselves quite right, but their heart may still be in the right place. We should give each other a little more slack, especially right now. Would you agree? I sure hope so. I love people but I abhor hate and discontent. If I can comfort someone, I am comforted. It just works that way for me. 

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