Tuesday, October 10, 2023


The most important Time of the World

The information is coming in hot and fast. We are in the beginning of the most important time of the world. Yes, I said it. "The most important time in the world."

Look at the news and then look at your Bible. It's the same thing. All the former words are becoming the latter words. All  the statements about the people and the countries of the world are a mimicking of the Word. God is showing Himself to us in new and better and stronger ways. Prepare. Yes, get ready, because things will begin to happen faster and faster than ever before. The evil one has set his chief human up to begin his attempt to take over the world and it will look as though he can actually do it. BUT GOD. Yes, BUT GOD.
God already has a plan in play. He has from the beginning. How stupid is the evil of our world to run head long into the mouth of destruction, not knowing that it is sheer folly to try. Our lives are not our own. The roadmap has already been laid out before us. All we have to do is 'read the signs' and follow the path. That is our only salvation; our only recourse and assurance of safety. Don't be fooled by the hype or the promises to keep you from being involved in what's going on. The world is already 'covered ' by the intelligence sector of the enemy. "They" know who you are. They know where you are and they know what you profess to believe. The time of not being able to buy or sell if you are Christian is upon us now. Look at what the banks are doing. They are shutting down the major Christian's accounts left and right and the 'little guy' is next. They will control the money, the water, the food, the fuel and the land. Our only safety is in the Lord. I will be surprised if this post stays up for very long unless they don't have a very strong 'marker' on me. I know I'm probably not very important in their eyes thus far and that's good. Because I fully intend to be a lot more vocal from now on. We can't sit by any longer. The time is "NOW" to stand for the right or get left behind to suffer the consequences of our lack of effort to spread the Word of the Lord to the ones that don't have any idea of what's transpiring. The trap has been set and in some places even sprung in places that have less knowledge and understanding than we do. Unsuspecting people are being swallowed up by the actions of the evil one and his minions. Look around you. You can surely see the way things have changed where you are. Are you still not aware of what's going on around you? I think, deep down inside there is a 'knowing' beginning to grow inside of you and that you are at least curious as to what it is. God has instilled in each and every one of us a 'knower'. That little something that's informing us of the changes about to happen. He said, "in the last days I will pour out my Spirit upon all men..." That's what is burning inside of you right now and alerting you to the urgency of the times and prompting you to take action. 
Don't wait. Pray right now , that God lifts you up and begins the process of getting you ready for His soon return to planet earth and what will follow. Don't take a chance on being left out of the process. It's life and death to us all right now whether you believe it or not. Just be aware of what I'm saying and balance it against what is going on each day.  It will come about or I will be wrong and found to be crazy and under the influence of untrue beliefs and information.

I pray a blessing on you right now as your friend. "God , bless the ears and the minds of each and everyone that reads this post. May it resonate in their hearts and minds and be a witness to them of your great love for all mankind; not wishing any one to perish because of unbelief. Thank you for hearing my prayer in Jesus' name amen.

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