Thursday, October 12, 2023

Great words of encouragement
I saw this online and had to share it with all of you today. Our hearts go out to our wonderful friends in Israel as they suffer the loss of loved ones and fellow warriors. We are are certainly in the End Times. See the news reports and compare that to what our Bible says so plainly. It's the same thing. Here's the quote I wanted to pass along to everyone.... Be blessed.

Occupy Until I Come!

"Get ready to see the Kingdom of Heaven penetrate every area of your life. Get ready to see My hands work in the smallest details of your life.

"Rather than disorder, your life will have order, and rather than disease, your life will feel at ease because My hands will be working. You will see your enemies humbled before your eyes, and you will know that it's the Lord's hands at work.

"Times of volatility and instability will arise, but do not fear, for I am with you, and will uphold you in My right hand. What you put your mind to do will prosper, and what you put your hands to do will succeed, for I, the Lord your God, will give you success.

"Occupy until I come, and continue to occupy. Don't let anything hold you back, for I am breaking the spirit of delay from you. You will run and not grow weary and you will walk and not faint, for your strength will come from Me.

"This is the month where your faithfulness will be rewarded, and more authority shall be given. This is the month where you will start to see the transfer of wealth. This is the month where I am assigning you as My Kingdom partner and trusting you with heavenly resources.

"You will hear Me say, 'Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much.' You will hear Me say, 'More will be given; more will be entrusted. Things will suddenly start to line up.'"

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