Tuesday, January 30, 2024

 I like the way God does things.... 

Not that it matters what I think. 'His ways are higher than my ways' of course, but it's pleasing to think that I am 'getting it'. I have really enjoyed my prayer time of late. Not that I didn't before, it's just that the 'being closer' factor has increased and there is a lot more 'presence' the closer I get. That equates to more power, more understanding and more of everything else that comes to mind actually. We suffer a lot when we are 'away'. At least I do. I feel lost, not unsaved, just at a loss so to speak. He completes me. Dianna completes me. She always knows what it is about me that makes me 'tick' and that what I think matters. Father is like that as well. It's hard to separate the two. She is so close to Him. You can feel His presence around her at times and I think I'm a little envious of that, but don't tell her.... she'll laugh.

 I went to a prayer meeting last night. It was for an outreach group that has been ongoing for about 10 years now. They formed a group to help feed people and I am amazed at the progress they have attained in that period of time. They have a building now and things in place to help a great deal of the needy in our community and the plans are still growing a more robust game plan as we speak. I admire that "Stick to it-ism" in people. Some give up at the first sign of adversity. These people seem to laugh at that. I see and feel their strength and the unity is quite inviting. It doesn't matter what denomination, they are accepting and genuine and open to ideas that move them forward.

 How extraordinary in this day and time. There are still a lot of 'warriors' out there that aren't easily defeated by a setback. They more or less see setbacks as milestones to success.

My computer went down on me yesterday. I think the enemy is trying to tell me something. I only have one screen and for a novice such as myself, its a real hindrance to what I'm trying to accomplish here. Dang it! There, I've said it. I am anxious when I'm supposed to be 'anxious for nothing'.... Am I still human? Oh No! Where's the man of steel now? Yuck.

These 'light afflictions'. When do they cease? Never. We just have to get used to being attacked and not take it like someone chopped off a limb. (Want some whine with that cheese?)

 The studio made an advance. I stuck some of the foam soundproofing up yesterday while I was awaiting the tech's response to my 'cry for help'. I'm such an amateur. It looks alright, sorta. I guess I shouldn't complain, I did make some progress in that direction. Anything to get the noise knocked down a bit. I drive Di crazy (in the next room) with all my palaver. It's been said, 'she can hear a mouse poot across the street', but I'm  not sure. Pretty close.

Our days are getting longer.... Yea! The Spring is about to burst onto the scene, or 'spring' onto the scene; anyway, I 'm looking forward to some warmer weather at any rate.

Reach out to someone you know today. Tell them you are thinking about them and reassure them how loved they are by all. It's a good thing to do. You'll feel better, they'll feel better. The whole world will feel better for it. Trust me.

Monday, January 22, 2024

 I looked out. The winter storm had passed through during the early hours and chilled everything. The edge of the carport has tiny fingers of ice hanging down, already dripping from the sun that has poked its head through the clouds. All the trees have on an 'sweater' of silvery ice, each limb weighed down by the weight of the forming cold. The chickens visiting the yard are also weighed down with ice, making it difficult to for them to walk. Certainly their little legs are tired and sore from the frozen platform they walk on in search of food that will warm them. The rooster's tail is sagging with the ice and the hens are looking for ways to shed the 'cold blanket' they have found themselves wrapped in as the morning now moves into midday.

I marvel at how resilient the animals are. God has placed a 'will' in them to 'carry on' even through the tough times. Di was almost crying as she brought the plight of the chickens to my attention. Her tender heart is one of the most endearing things I love about her.

Here I sit, warm and alive in my little kingdom, surrounded by all 'the undone', working on getting better at what I'm trying to learn. I look to gather it all in and become proficient at what is required to be successful and try desperately not to get frustrated with how long it's taking to get there. We are so impatient. 

An artists friend sent me a short story. His take on life is very good. He always gives the credit, the glory, to God. I like that about my friend. People should be more like my friend. There is way too much 'self' in the mix nowadays. How did we get so self centered and 'needy'? I know the Bible says, "In the last days men's hearts will wax worse and worse..." Everything is coming true and to fruition around us. How can so many miss such strong evidence staring them in the face?

I'm wondering if anything I'm saying will be the least bit impactful or meaningful to its readers? Solomon said, "All is vanity..." Am I so vain that I think my words will have a bearing on life? How do these blogs measure up to truth; to reality? How much of ourselves must  we give before the answers are acted on? I keep typing away as though I had good sense.

My only surety is God. My only solace. I rest in the comfort that He is watching. He is guarding. He is laughing at my juvenile antics and attempts at being 'wise'. I love Him so.

What will the rest of the day bring? What marvels will I discover lying among the pages of the text? It's for us to search, it's for us to measure. Are we doing all we can to "make it better"? 

I sure hope so.

Friday, January 19, 2024

 "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party".

How many times have you heard that recently? In one form or another, the words ring true and sink deep into the spirit as we watch the news unfold around the world. The Bible is real and it is right. Every time we step away from God's principles we get kicked in the face with reality. The tried and true has been set aside by the 'nay sayer' and 'contrivers' using their power to deceive. I'm waiting for the move of God to surge right now. It's on the precipice, tipping toward change, radical change, that we haven't seen since the earth opened up and swallowed a whole bunch of people standing outside of God's protection. We HAVE TO get back on track here. The eminent danger is real. Everyone can see it but not everyone knows how to stop it. As Christians we have the tools in our 'toolkit' to stop all of this almost instantly. I know I'm not doing enough. How 'bout you? I've only just begun to speak up and speak out about this. Why did I wait so long? Why have I slept through the din of noise that should have awakened me from my stupor and been silenced long ago. The first time someone made a move to take God out of our schools we should have held a hanging. Harsh? Yes, and more. 

We can reference many times the judgement came suddenly, but not without warning. The Word said, "if My people , who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray...." But have we, really? Or have we half heartedly bowed our heads for a few moments to make a 'show of prayer' and then head to the fridge for a snack. 

Where is the sackcloth of repentance now? We're too proud to get our knees dirty. I fear for this land, the land I love so dearly. I will vote, but that in and of itself is not enough. I have to summon the courage, the backbone, to speak up and make my voice heard even in the distance. The more of us that speak up raises the awareness and the volume of dissent. "Louder!".... Just like at the football game. "Louder, louder.... we wanna win!" We have to stop playing defense and go on the offense for a change. Make a move and see what God does. He's waiting for His church to rise up and take back territory we've lost through laziness and apathy. Get out your soapbox and put on your travelin' shoes.... Time to march like the enemy does.... show out like the 'Rainbow people' do. Why do they get all the press? It's our turn to shine ya'll! God demands it.

"If you don't confess me before men I won't confess you before the Father..."

Enough 'rah rah', we have to be earnest about our beliefs. Evidently we don't believe God can 'do' anymore. Have we lost so much faith that we only 'hope' it will get better? That's not how God designed it. He put things in motion and inside of us that have real power.... not 'tv power'. We need to get this down in our 'knower' and know that we know that we know God is still on the throne and still running things. EVERYTHING. He doesn't work part time. He's a fulltime God and never sleeps nor slumbers. Our paths are already set. All we have to do is join the fight and begin to pay attention to that still small voice that beckons us into His presence. That the 'safe zone'. That's the answer to any and all issues.... Wars and rumors of wars, crime and violence and hatred and selfishness and anything else you wanna put on the list of 'bad for ya'.

Are you hearing me? Are you agreeing with me? Are you convinced that what we do is important? There are no 'lesser' parts in the body of Christ. We each play a significant role in the scenario; this 'dance of life'. YOU are important. You are essential in completing the picture of what God is doing here. He expects us to respond.

I'm convinced that we are on the verge of significant change. Every fiber in my being is aching with an anticipation and I don't know exactly what that means. I do know that these words swelling up inside of me are from Him. That's all it can be. I'm not prone to verbalizing this way. It's not in my nature to be the 'guy with the doom sign' standing in the crowd, ignored and seemingly of no consequence.

The sun is shining here. The coldness has somewhat subsided for the moment but it will return in earnest by nightfall. We will be dripping faucets and leaving cabinet doors ajar until the next temperature rise. Life goes on. Or does it? While I sit warm and fed and complacent in my spoiled brat state of being, I wonder how the rest of the world is. Are they thinking about tomorrow or just what they can find to eat today? It's ironic. We have such wealth and resources around us and yet we squander them on new clothes and internet connections and eating out 3 to 4 times a week while we throw away almost half of the food we do cook because we're bored with the same old steak and potatoes. Gourmet cooking shows are at the top of the viewing list. What used to be a 'cheap item' in the meat counter has quadrupled in price because some cooking show has highlighted it as 'the newest thing' to mix with broccoli and truffles. How gauche. Beans and cornbread, that's good.

I'm winding down. The winds of change have blown me off course. I'm not as 'in tune' as I used to be. My hermit personality is showing again.

Let's pray. Let's 'feel'. Let's come together like we used to and talk about things. I'm so tired of texting. There's no life in it. It's a stale exercise in procrastination at best. Looking into the eyes of the person across from you was once cherished as a privilege and a passion. Now we don't even look up from the 'screen' when someone comes into the room; too busy seeing what 's on Facebook. Sad.

I love you.

 Oh, this great thing You do.... this precise miracle of planting love inside of us and clearing away the dross of life and sin and hate..... Oh praise Your name....!!!

How I love you, Lord. Your mercy and forgiveness astound me. How could you love someone like me? I have sinned greatly and yet, your Word says that I'm forgiven... and 'redeemed' by the Blood. How do you come up with such greatness? I'm humbled, I'm ecstatic. 'Thank you' isn't nearly enough... not even a poor beginning. I worship You, Lord Jesus. The sacrifice, oh the totality of the torture and pain you surely suffered for someone like me! It's so hard to take in when I think of how selfish and spoiled and self centered I've been. And then there's the rest of us. How many of us feel the same? How many love You with the devotion and earnest aching inside for something, anything to show the gratitude? But, of course, You already know what's in our hearts. You made us.

As you all can see, I've been in Ephesians again. It doesn't matter how many times I read Ephesians 2: 8-9, I weep inside. Those were the words God was saying to me as I lay on that gurney in that ambulance suffering a 6 1/2 hour heart attack in 1992. The sheer gravity of the situation was nothing to me at the time. I was at peace inside and trying desperately to recall the words of those two scriptures. I think He was keeping me busy, as it were, to get my mind off of the pain and the severity of the moment. He's like that you know. Just when we think the world around us is about to cave in all around us and swallow us with disaster, He steps in.

Suddenly, all is well and it's as though it was only a bad dream; and sometimes it is. I can't count the bad dreams. Innumerable.

Oh, but the relief I feel when I think of how He loves me. How He just makes peace out of nothing and spreads it like crunchy peanut butter on the bread of my mind. I know.... where'd that come from? I don't know. It just jumped out of my fingers onto the page..... Who woulda thought?

I slept well for a time and then the cares of this world and 16 other things popped into my mind and I couldn't lie there another minute. I had to roll back the warm blankets and get out my Sword.

I'm not always faithful to read. I've been negligent. That's me 'Negligent John'.... again. And yet, He still loves me.... right? I can  always go to Him, always. There has never been a time since that day in that jail cell when I got down on my knees and asked Him to forgive me and come into my life and 'fix it", that He hasn't 'been there'. NOT ONE TIME. That's 52 years now.

It's good to look back in one sense only. To the day you surrendered control to the Creator and became the 'clay' that he could mold and shape and smile at. In my case He probably laughs.

Do you trust Him? Do even believe? Oh, you should. Your life will be so much the better for it. I can't begin to explain the joy I feel about being accepted into 'the family'. It's everything to me. It's life itself my friends, you should try it. 
And for those of you that know what I'm saying here, bravo.... blessings and peace to you, as you know so well.... just more of it...

Well, I guess I've rambled on long enough. I know you have other things to do.... but, at any rate, I am so thankful for those of you that might read this.... when ever that is. 

Saturday, January 13, 2024


 The norm is not. The usual is not. The surprise is not. We have become so 'indoctorinated' ( I made that up I think), that we seem to accept most anything printed or spoken across the airwaves. I am ashamed of our government. We get a new version of 'the truth' almost everyday and it's easy to see that it isn't truth, just propaganda. When do we stand up to tranny? Today, maybe? Our rights are dissolving rapidly and I don't see many doing anything but complaining.... (Yup, that's me.... complaining). 

How sad. The youth have missed so much. Their brains are plugged into machines that are draining them of all of their energy and creativity and the sense of right and wrong. I think of 'the old days'  when dinosaurs roamed the earth and I went outside to play and not sit for hours looking at a small screen while my brain evaporates.

 This stuff is straight out of the Bible. Turn to most any page where it's talking about what will happen in the future and you're reading a current newspaper of the situation we're living 'right now'. We just have modern clothes on.

Now, not everything is gloom and doom here.... We have Jesus! He's the only hope, but we need to act fast. The doors are closing swiftly and the light is being put out by the darker powers. The only comfort is that we win in the end, but in the meantime we have to fight back or lose our place in the world. I know, we're 'just passing through"... The Word says to communicate with each other and shine the light of love and truth into the darkness, which in turn, dispels the darkness and brings understanding and life and harmony and a lot of other positive and much needed things to the fore.

I know, it's been far too long that I have been here. I haven't been able to get on here for a bit, but I'm back and I hope the blog opens up for me when I need to write. It's frustrating to be 'shut out' and not get the answers to solve the issue.... God is good and I eventually overcome my ignorance and .... well, there ya go.... I 'doodit'.

I want to encourage not discourage. Exhortation is much better than tearing down the walls with negative verbiage. Wouldn't you agree? All you positive thinkers are agreeing....thanks.

Anyway, I just wanted to jump on and say, "Hello!" and send out a shout for freedom and the privileges we have left in this messy world we call home.

We are praying and fasting as a collective where I worship. I see the evidence of successfully praying and fasting in the Word, so I look forward to seeing the results of our efforts soon. Do you believe in prayer? I certainly hope you do. It's the only leverage we have against a wicked enemy out to kill us. I want to destroy everything I see as evil but I am reminded that I don't have that power; that's the Creator's job. I'm supposed to 'stay in my lane' here and be the good servant that pleases the Master and doesn't 'tick Him off' for getting in the way. I'm sure you all know what I mean.  ".... God, they are being a bunch of sinners down here! Don't you want me to bring down some wrath or something on them to make them behave?" 

Yup, you get it. We're better off watching the action from the sidelines where we belong as we praise Him and worship Him and stay out of the way.. yes? That doesn't mean we idly sit by and do nothing. We have to witness and share the Good News with the world, just not in anger or violence.

Okay, I've carried on long enough.... Time to get on to something else... 

Pray for me, please. I am studying to be a grant writer. I see so many that are worthy and yet, don't have the resources. If I can help that along, I believe I can be part of the 'big picture' and see the kingdom progress as the Master instructs. Pray for me and 'them' as I begin to search out the funders and successfully attain the needed approvals for projects He deems worthy. My little brain is struggling a bit with everything it takes to pull off a successful grant application, but I'm confident that Father will help me along. I think He's partial to the 'slower ones", yeah?

I see that I have a few 'followers'. I didn't realize you were there until the Lord pointed me in that direction on the home page. God bless you. Share these posts if you deem them appropriate and interesting. It would thrill me to no end to know that these writings aren't just babble from and old fart, but worthwhile tidbits that 'spark' the thinking mind. 

Friday, October 20, 2023

I can't believe I woke up at 7:30. The coolness of the day was throughout the house. We left windows open to keep things cool and it did. I love this time of year, when we can get fresh air, sorta, through the screens and still enjoy the warmth of our blankets as though we were into winter season already. Di loves the cool room. I had to get used to it. 

The war rages on and still, I hear the same news every morning. "They are about to enter Gaza..."
How much longer will this be? I am thinking Biblically. We are so close to the end. All the signs point to what the Word speaks; and has for years. Our information is so crystal clear and yet the number of people fighting against 'good' is overwhelming. I can't believe my eyes to see so many young people distracted by the left thinkers. They have really laid out a good plan to destroy our young ones. All the hype and misdirected views have really taken hold of the thinking. How can it be so easy for me to see what's going and not for them? Father, help me to spread Your Word better. I have been so blessed and the mercy shown is undeserved, yet Father is still blessing and teaching me and being patient. 
What's next? We are surely in for a roller coaster ride of the century. I can see events about to happen and don't know how they will actually fall into place. The only thing I know for sure is that God is in control and His plan is good. We suffer the consequences of our action more than we think. I am grateful for the patience of God. Otherwise we would all be toast.
Join with me in prayer for all the soldiers on the frontlines. Some will most certainly give their all in this great conflict, but their reward is eternal for the sacrifice. Bless our leaders that have to send our troops into battle. I'm sure the weight  sits heavy on their shoulders. I only hope that they pray a lot about what they are about to do.
God bless America and God bless Israel.

Monday, October 16, 2023

 How cool is that?

We often find ourselves in places that are uncomfortable. I know, you're possibly thinking it's a location, but that's not what I'm talking about. The 'location' I'm referring to is relational. We say or do something that sets the tone in a totally different place than intended. 

I emailed a friend the other day and he totally misunderstood what I 'said' as being negative, when it wasn't meant that way at all. I had to back track a little to calm him down somewhat and get the 'train' back on the track I was aiming for. 

I love words. I even named the blog after words. Words are so expressive, but only when they can be 'heard' in the right context. We often think we are being 'heard' when we are not. The fast pace of our lives today can set us up for a lot of misunderstood dialogue along the way. I am becoming more and more aware of this issue because we are getting into some pretty tricky situations around the globe and not many people are stopping long enough to actually listen to a point of view past the first few words in the sentences. I hear people interrupt others before they can even finish a thought and suddenly go in the opposite direction the speaker was going with his or her point. There's too much confusion here. 

We all just need to slow down long enough to let the other guy say what he or she has on their mind and 'then' comment. It sure would cut down on a lot of the arguments that are happening right now. No matter what side you are on, it's does take a little diplomacy to navigate this world, to say the least .

Love is or should be a big part of our loves and the lack there of sets the stage for some awful  outcomes. Without love we are crippled and not really able to function properly. Let your mind relax a bit when you think someone is going against the grain. They may not have the ability to express themselves quite right, but their heart may still be in the right place. We should give each other a little more slack, especially right now. Would you agree? I sure hope so. I love people but I abhor hate and discontent. If I can comfort someone, I am comforted. It just works that way for me.