Wednesday, July 19, 2023

 I am looking into the future. It looks bright and sunny and flowering with new blooms each day. 

Of course, I am being frivolous. Only crazy people can see into the future, right? Not necessarily. I can think of several that have successfully seen into what is coming and recorded it for posterity. 

The Book of Revelation comes to mind instantly. God gave John insight into the future and instructed him to record what he 'saw'. Our interpretations of his writings have certainly changed over the years; many of whom declared the end of the world coming at one point or another. 

For one thing, I don't think we 'listen' very well when God is speaking to us. I think I would be so afraid, that I dare say, I don't know if I could even stay conscious. I would most likely just faint on the spot!

The future is pretty much a constant topic in one way or another. People plan their schedules around the future when they watch the weather each day. 

"It's going to be rainy and storms will come in a 'this  time' and end at 'this time'." People 'bet' on what will happen in the future all the time. The stock market pretty much lives in the future. Supposition is common.

I have determined to not bank on the future. Too many variables. Too many circumstances changing without notice. I'm just gonna sit back and take things as they come. Now that doesn't mean that I'm being lazy. No, I just don't trust what man says anymore. There are too many of them out there that are only out for selfish gains and have ulterior motives. I think I'm better off trusting in 'a higher power' than man. God's a lot smarter.

We are sitting in a local coffee spot enjoying some 'down time'. I like these places. No one bothers us. We can visit or work online and pass the time away as we see fit. I like it. I know the days ahead are going to be filled to the brim with activity. As we begin the moving in process, our schedules will fill up with 'have tos' and 'honey dos', so these quiet times are at a premium for now. And, I get to spend them with Dianna; that's the best part.

Once we actually do make the move our lives will change significantly. We had been driving an hour one way to church when we were out in Piedmont. The distance has shortened to a 25 to 30 minute trip, but once we get into the new place, our distance drops to a few short blocks. That was definitely an answer to a prayer. the savings in fuel alone will be a big plus. I think it was near or over $200 per month to make the trips from Piedmont and back.

Our time is precious. The way we spend it is crucial to our spiritman. If we waste time on frivolous things, we lose time we could be spending with the Lord. We could be learning 'how' to do things His way and be quite a bit more successful.

I'm reminded of a story I tell about our son, Michael. He was about 11 or 12 and had an issue with his bicycle chain coming off.

"Dad, can you help me get the chain back on my bike?"

"Sure son, bring it up onto the porch and get the plyers out and I'll be right there." I arrived a minute or two later to find the bike turned upside down, wheels in the air and him feverishly twisting and turning the nut on the wheel, not getting anywhere.

I said, "Son, if you give me the plyers and step back, I'll have you back on the road in no time..."

He said, "I think I've almost got it Dad", and kept right on twisting without success. I just stood there and watched until he finally stopped and looked up and handed me the tool; stepping aside so I could fix it. I grabbed the wheel and pulled back, tightening the chain in the sprocket and gave the nut a few quick turns and flipped the bike back onto it's wheels and said, "There ya go, Son." 

He was ready to ride once again.

Isn't that how we do things with God? We twist and turn to no avail when we could have given Him control all along and been 'back on the road' in no time. If only we let Him do His thing from the beginning, everything will work out better and faster.

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