Thursday, July 6, 2023

The Time is now 

 It's time. We 'have to' pay closer attention to what's happening around us. Sadly, I'm seeing a pattern in the way things are being presented. When the left loses an argument or court case, they cry foul by saying, "American Democracy is being  destroyed". 

Two wrongs most certainly do not make a right. I don't care how you look at an issue. 

Our country is a Republic. That means that the majority rules, not the minority. We elect certain people to represent us and do the 'right thing' on our behalf but that isn't happening. The minority is holding power for themselves and twisting the truth into a pretzel of lies that leave a horrible taste in the mouths of regular Americans. We have been poisoned by the powerful to the extent that our very rights are being used against us to get things done for 'the whoever' that can pay the elected leaders to get what they want for a certain amount of money or leverage. How much longer do we have to wait on justice? The facts are so evident even the crooked can see they aren't 'covered' any more and yet they stand defiant in the face of the facts and still double down on their lies. 
The Bible speaks directly to what's going on.
"Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!"
That's pretty plain to reasonable, honest people.

No more are we allowed the freedom to speak out about the perverted lawbreakers that have seized control of most public places without the threat of being censored or 'canceled' by the 'powers that be'.
I am appalled at the over abundance of evidence being discarded by the authorities with no charges being filed for undeniable infractions; some of which are outright felonies. What  is wrong with us? We are asleep ay the wheel and going off the road full speed ahead.
And I know the ranting doesn't really help either, so what am I contributing? Maybe nothing. Would that I, or someone like me, could spur everyone into action with speeches like these and begin the return to real; the return to normal. It doesn't look likely at this juncture.
I can however, rest in the knowledge that I know the end of the story. Evil cannot and will not win in the end, so we can breathe easier with that promise to come. But as has been quoted time and time again...that "the only thing necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing."
Our actions speak much louder than our weak words. Let us rise to the occasion and return our great land to its former glory and hear and obey the soveriegn God Jehovah.

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