Monday, July 3, 2023

Old Dogs....

I learned something today. They say it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks, but this old dog isn't looking for tricks.

I hate to admit to being hardheaded but that's been a trait since I was a young boy. Over and over I repeat some of the same old mistakes almost religiously. You would think my nose would be permanently bruised from falling on my face so much. But God is good and rightly to the praised. I am so glad He hasn't given up on me yet. That would be more than a disaster.

Tomorrow is the 4th of July. I am seeing a lot of flags and bunting across the landscape. It's encouraging to see the faithfulness to the flag, but at the same time disheartening to see so many desecrate Old Glory.

They certainly do not understand the sacrifices that were made for our freedom or they wouldn't do the horrible things they do. It might do some of them some good to spend time in a country that has no freedom. They could see the things that go on in countries like Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, and the other dictatorships.

I know it's easy to get on a soapbox if you don't have to do anything pro-active. It's easy to complain if you have no solutions, no plan, no real answers. Speaking out is a right, but how we speak out is just as important as saying something.

On the other hand, there are those that go completely overboard with their actions. How are we supposed to reconcile all of the opinions and beliefs and prejudices without hurting others? We are too often heavy-handed and reckless with our actions. I see only one answer that solves every problem and that, my friends is what I learned today. I already knew it. I had already experienced it. It had already been proven over and over. And yet, somehow, I strayed away from that belief, that simple reality, and found myself "guilty again". No excuse; none.

I had taken back 'control' after telling God that I would leave everything to Him. A message by a well known speaker reminded me of my mistake and I immediately repented and turned my thinking around.

It's not easy to give God complete control of your life but it can be done. And successfully. The alternative is living a much less successful life with difficult decisions that ultimately lead to failure and depression. Some people kill themselves because they can't 'win' at anything; not even the smallest things. Thinking we can 'control' everything in our lives is a mistake. It's pride and 'pride cometh before a fall', and it's one of the mainstays the enemy uses to discourage people and take their joy and peace.

I felt much better right away and my peace returned. There's nothing like peace. No twisting and turning and worrying about what's happening or what's going to happen when God has the 'reins'. He always works things out in our favor; just not exactly how or when we think it is supposed to happen. Once we fully trust the Lord, the events in our daily lives settle down and come to completion in the best possible way.

I really encourage you to try it. It might take a little effort or maybe even a huge effort, but I know without a doubt that it works. You will never know unless you try.

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