Friday, July 7, 2023

 Where do we go from here?

The days are finally ticking down to the 'moving days' and I'm beginning to get more and more excited about the move. Small things keep popping up that could delay us but our minds are set on seeing this through to completion with God's Hand overseeing everything so we keep moving forward no matter what. We have left everything in His care from the beginning, and we couldn't be more satisfied with how things have fallen into place so nicely. My normally impatient manner has been replaced with a more trusting and learning spirit, so things have developed with a grace in motion effect rather than my normally awkward way of doing things. I have watched the hinderances fall away one by one and I marvel at the way He does things. This has all worked out well, especially since we have stayed out of the way better than ever and learned about His strategies. I am a much more patient person than I was 3 months ago. Thank you Father.

Dianna has stressed more with Michael's business affairs than with our trials and tribulations so the outcome is totally it should be.

How often do we 'take back' the controls and mess up a perfectly good plan by being impatient? Too often I suspect. However, our minds are human minds, not the mind of Christ, which we have been instructed to 'take on', so there is a major learning curve there if we're not careful. 

I look forward to learning now. As I have said before, I was always a poor 'student' and didn't take seriously for the most part, those things that lend themselves to higher learning. I am better at 'seeing' something done rather than reading about it. I actually don't know why I am so stubborn about reading. After so many failures you would think that I would welcome the chance to learn new things, but alas, I am not that pliable. Yet.

As I said in a previous post, I learned something important , AGAIN, and it has spurred me on to more 'watching' and observing than before. I have, sadly, been too quick to speak and less likely to listen as the processes unfold. I do believe I'm finally become a much better student. Again, thank you Father.

"Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus..." Much easier on the ego as well. Not nearly as much embarrassment, with half the pain. LOL

When you sign up as a soldier, you agree to following orders and the person giving those orders. That's definitely not my strong suit, but I can see where it's necessary to the success and completion of the mission. If we do things God's way we win. Easy, right? Not always, but still the best plan of action. No one likes to lose and more often than not, everyone wants to have a say in what's being done.

I am thinking about what God is going to do in the next few weeks and months. I have a lot of new material to work on as well as some 'old stuff', so I see a lot of fun on the horizon. The character voices will play a large part in what's going to transpire. God has given me 'inklings' of ideas, but I have to be setup to pursue them properly, so again, setting up will be key to how much we can accomplish and how quickly.

 By the way, if anyone out there is interested in doing 'character voices' and children's stories, please get in touch. I need help. We will produce everything including the music beds for the backgrounds, so 'come one, come all', lets 'create'!

Anyone interested in doing some radio production is welcome to join in as well. We are thinking big and praying for direction. Speaking of prayer. Please keep us in your prayers. We have a big task in front of us and prayer will be key to our success in the new adventure God is setting up for us. 

Thank you for reading and following our little blog. It means a lot. Blessings

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