Tuesday, October 10, 2023


The most important Time of the World

The information is coming in hot and fast. We are in the beginning of the most important time of the world. Yes, I said it. "The most important time in the world."

Look at the news and then look at your Bible. It's the same thing. All the former words are becoming the latter words. All  the statements about the people and the countries of the world are a mimicking of the Word. God is showing Himself to us in new and better and stronger ways. Prepare. Yes, get ready, because things will begin to happen faster and faster than ever before. The evil one has set his chief human up to begin his attempt to take over the world and it will look as though he can actually do it. BUT GOD. Yes, BUT GOD.
God already has a plan in play. He has from the beginning. How stupid is the evil of our world to run head long into the mouth of destruction, not knowing that it is sheer folly to try. Our lives are not our own. The roadmap has already been laid out before us. All we have to do is 'read the signs' and follow the path. That is our only salvation; our only recourse and assurance of safety. Don't be fooled by the hype or the promises to keep you from being involved in what's going on. The world is already 'covered ' by the intelligence sector of the enemy. "They" know who you are. They know where you are and they know what you profess to believe. The time of not being able to buy or sell if you are Christian is upon us now. Look at what the banks are doing. They are shutting down the major Christian's accounts left and right and the 'little guy' is next. They will control the money, the water, the food, the fuel and the land. Our only safety is in the Lord. I will be surprised if this post stays up for very long unless they don't have a very strong 'marker' on me. I know I'm probably not very important in their eyes thus far and that's good. Because I fully intend to be a lot more vocal from now on. We can't sit by any longer. The time is "NOW" to stand for the right or get left behind to suffer the consequences of our lack of effort to spread the Word of the Lord to the ones that don't have any idea of what's transpiring. The trap has been set and in some places even sprung in places that have less knowledge and understanding than we do. Unsuspecting people are being swallowed up by the actions of the evil one and his minions. Look around you. You can surely see the way things have changed where you are. Are you still not aware of what's going on around you? I think, deep down inside there is a 'knowing' beginning to grow inside of you and that you are at least curious as to what it is. God has instilled in each and every one of us a 'knower'. That little something that's informing us of the changes about to happen. He said, "in the last days I will pour out my Spirit upon all men..." That's what is burning inside of you right now and alerting you to the urgency of the times and prompting you to take action. 
Don't wait. Pray right now , that God lifts you up and begins the process of getting you ready for His soon return to planet earth and what will follow. Don't take a chance on being left out of the process. It's life and death to us all right now whether you believe it or not. Just be aware of what I'm saying and balance it against what is going on each day.  It will come about or I will be wrong and found to be crazy and under the influence of untrue beliefs and information.

I pray a blessing on you right now as your friend. "God , bless the ears and the minds of each and everyone that reads this post. May it resonate in their hearts and minds and be a witness to them of your great love for all mankind; not wishing any one to perish because of unbelief. Thank you for hearing my prayer in Jesus' name amen.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023


Nothing worse than feeling worn out inside and stagnant. The guilt alone kicks butt; both cheeks.

But I do look forward and not back. I think that is imperative today especially. Had a back and forth with a client about being 'sick and tired'. all he could say was how mistreated he had been and how everything had gone wrong and this and that. At first I felt sorry for him but the more he dragged it out, the less sympathy I could muster. I tried to encourage and exhort him but he only wanted to wallow in his self pity, so I let him. Sad to be him.

The people that bring on bad things in their lives by living in the negative are so unfortunate. I see people with major disabilities that have great courage and high spirits and it mesmerizes me. They exude a triumphant attitude and barely see the unimaginable hurt they have suffered. This guy was all but blaming God for his woes. He called himself, "God's test Dummy". How awful. I think deep down he is crying out for recognition and doesn't know that he can easily get it by being positive. He has great talents and does some amazing things with a camera, but his main objective is to point to his dilemma instead of the blessings. I will keep him on my prayer list and see how God helps him work these things out; if he 'listens'.

The rain has begun. How awesome is the sound of thunder in the distance and the rhythm of the raindrops on the metal rook of the deck outside. We have a concert every time it rains. The birds are first up with all the twittering and chirping; announcing the coming storm and then it grows silent as the clouds arrange themselves in the 'orchestra pit' and begin 'tuning up' before the impending concert. I sit very still and listen for the beginning melodies of the 'sprinkle section' and then the broad strings of the wind section that usher in the big guns. It's always amazing and never the same song; always brand new. How marvelous is our God. He always thrills His children with His majesty and innovation.

We have so much to look forward to. That's why I try so desperately to never look back. The past is a deep hole that can swallow you up before you know it and oh how hard it is to climb up and out of it. You're never the same after looking back. The mistakes are magnified and the successes are minimized.... nothing good ever comes from living in the past. Don't.

I'll stop for now and go listen to the 'concert' some more. Blessings

Sunday, September 24, 2023

How do we get so caught up in things? I found myself engrossed in looking at my friends pictures on Facebook after posting my newest song. I have a lot of other things to do right now but.... "squirrel"!

We are so easily distracted today. Our options keep growing and our time is shorter and shorter on how much of it we can devote to the task at hand.

The recording is picking up in pace and quality, so I am pleased with the progress thus far. look for more posts on Facebook if you have time and give me an opinion. I need input on how it sounds, content and over all quality, so thanks ahead of time for your input.

The day is Sunday. Neither Di or I made it to church today. We both had separate issues and it just wasn't in the cards. It's very rare to miss, but I think it gave me a different perspective on how the week takes place and precedence over other things in our lives.

Changes are taking place everywhere. I see a difference in the 'landscape' in Washington and so hope that the lights are fully turned on to the happenings there. It's so overdue on getting our country back in God's hands and out of the wicked leaders control we have been presented with for so many years. One of the politicians, who will remain unnamed here, has been receiving a lot of 'favors' through the years. He must have a lot of 'leverage' on his counterparts to be able to get by with all that has transpired in his 40 plus career. God keeps good books, so I know the reckoning is coming. 

It really makes me take inventory more often knowing I too have to stand before him one day and give account of my mistakes and sins. I owe more than I could ever pay, but that's not how it works. God looks at the heart and I hope mine is favorable.

Thanks for stopping by again. I so long to be able to do this a lot more often. 

Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Circle of Life

 What does it mean when we say. "we travel in  different circles?"

I really don't think it's a good thing to go in a circle all the time or only associate with 'certain'  people. We were made to relate to and with each other, even if we differ on various subjects. The Bible instructs us to "be at peace" with each other and put aside petty bickering and self seeking.

Should we be going 'in a circle'?

I thought the best way to go was 'straight ahead, not looking to the left or the right..."

Is that left, as in policy and politics ; or right? Is that meant to keep us with blinders on, with the potential of missing something or making the wrong choice on a matter, because it was 'out of sight' at the moment of contact? 

I get confused with man's definitions. God, on the other hand has clear instructions and positive input that lends itself to my being comfortable in my own skin. The 'closed off' minds are a bother to me. Not that we should be 'open minded' and operate under the premise that compromise is best. No. But compensation is quite the other thing. If we compensate for someone's 'need' it makes us peacemakers. If we 'contend' about petty things it makes us controlling and hard headed; backward if you will.

I make myself do things that I would really rather do another way. But if I'm going to be humble, I need to concentrate on doing just that.

Our lives are so short and filled with experiences. We should relish each one and treasure those experiences and have a log of positive things to look back on and know that we're in the center of His will and not on the fringe or even totally 'out of it'.

I pray that my messages reach the hearts and minds of those in need of encouragement and comfort, and that all I say and do is in God's perfect will.

Blessings are coming. Blessings are essential to our being; our 'well being' if you will. We have to be on the look out for the evil one's devices. He uses us against each other to bring about strife and division that tears us apart; especially when we are about to have a breakthrough. Let our 'yea' be 'yea' and our 'nay be 'nay' and let everything else fall away like the dross in the fire.

Nothing brings or grows the seed of bitterness faster than misunderstanding and avarice. We  'must' love one another, no matter the cost to our egos and feelings. Cast aside all malice and bring yourselves under control as the Holy Spirit instructs and places knowledge inside our spiritman.

Friday, August 18, 2023

 Life offers many choices

What is it that keeps us from fulfilling our destinies? Are we being handicapped by some unforeseen enemy that launches a diabolical plot to render us speechless and helpless in even the simplest of settings? Yes, that's basically it. The enemy of our souls 'goes about as a raging lion' trying to bring us down to his level. He's a failure; always has been, and we should recognize that as early as we possibly can so that we can combat the villain and overcome.

Our wisdom is from the Lord. We derive our being from Him. We survive only because He grants us our next breath. Anyone that doesn't recognize that fact is in real danger. Not just in this world, but in the world to come. Denying doesn't undo what God has done, nor will it ever be possible to be the master of your own fate. God decides who lives and dies every day. unless you believe in the one true God, Jehovah, you have basically signed your life away to a fate and a future of eternal torment that wasn't ever meant for you. God designed Hell for the demons and their so called 'boss'. You weren't in that original plan. The ones that go there choose Hell by denying the existence of God and His saving grace.

Your life depends on your choices. Search deep into your heart and cast away everything else, for just a moment, except your question about the reality of God. He will answer that question if you truly listen and look for it. If you are really looking for the truth, you will find it by 'listening' for God's voice. Your answer may come in a song or in a sentence someone is saying that you overhear in a coffee shop or by reading an article in a magazine. God can speak to us in many ways. We just have to concentrate on Him and He will reveal Himself to you. That is a promise from the Bible. Actually, reading the Bible is a very good way to get the answers you are seeking about life and the reality of God. The Bible is a living organism. It comes alive as we read and leads us in the ways of righteousness and truth. It guides us and teaches how to overcome the enemies of this world in ways no other entity can. Not even the smartest person you know can out think or perform like God.

Blessed be the name of the Lord. His ways are not our ways. His ways are so much higher, deeper and knowledgeable than our ways. We are creations. He is the Creator. It is very wise on your part to find out if what I'm telling you is true or not; wouldn't you think?

I'm not trying to convince you, I'm trying to save you. The chances that you are going through something very important in your life right now, while reading this blog, that may well change to entire outcome of your life as you know it, is very likely. God often 'takes us places' so we can find solutions to our troubles when we least expect it. You may have been checking out blogs for no particular reason and here I am. Someone may have told you about this post and you took the time to look it up. A famous comedian uses the line, "Here's yer sign", as a punch line. Well, 'here's yer sign'.

I pray that you get the answers you seek. There's nothing worse than having an unanswered question plaguing your mind. It can keep you awake, it can distract you all day, it can depress you and discourage you to the point of giving up or giving in to some addiction. Don't let that happen! Seek the voice of God and you will find rest for your soul. I did and I am at peace now. I was tormented and defeated by what life had thrown at me , over and over again. I saw no way out and even considered taking my life to get past the torment. God intervened and here I am today, encouraging you to not give up, but to give God a chance to change your life for the better.

There are many choices in ones life, especially in today's world. The enemy of our souls lays out choice after choice that only takes us deeper and deeper into sin and failure. But God has a plan for your life. A plan that only has good things in store; if you trust Him and try His way. 

It takes time. Things don't get 'rosy' overnight. You will fight many battles but you will have the one true God on your side, showing you how to be a winner and not a loser. I encourage you today. I pray for your soul; that it finds rest in seeking the Lord. He is merciful and always forgives those with a sincere heart. 

Be a winner. Choose God. 

Friday, August 11, 2023

 The Summer progresses.

I woke up early in the morning; sometime after midnight. The calm and peace are ever present in the house now. I stayed up for a while and finally went back to bed some time later. The yard light illuminates the whole back yard and draws me to the window in the back door to peer out and look for 'critters'. Haven't seen any as yet, but I think the Fall will bring them out a bit more.  

We keep worship music playing throughout the day and that sets the tone for our work. Speaking of work, I just finished a funeral video for a man in Missouri. I felt as though it was a project that I needed to do for whatever reason, but it was confirmed to me as soon as I saw his Korean War veteran hat in one of the pictures. I like it when I get confirmations.

The hot summer is winding down now. We have had a couple of decent days where the heat index is down. I'm so ready for Fall. 

We still have the huge task of emptying boxes from the two trailers ahead of us. The heat has kept us away from them except in short spells I have yet to locate the record computer and some other studio pieces, but I think the Lord is delaying that for some reason. My spirit is not rushed to search for it, so I feel the reason will come when the box is found.

Di has installed a hummingbird feeder just outside her office window. She enjoys the occasional 'fly by' of a single bird. He or she, whatever that might be, floats in the window and looks in at her and then fly's off in search of more nectar elsewhere. Di gets great joy feeding the neighborhood animals unless they are destructive. I named the local squirrel, 'Bandit', because he is destructive. He chewed a hole in one of our coolers trying to get into the bird seed supply and then figured out how to open the top and just crawled right in and began munching away. We stood watching at the very moment he crawled into the box and sprang into action, driving him away. He swishes his tail violently when  we admonish him as if to say, "Who do you think you are? Don't you know this is my neighborhood!"

I like the neighborhood so far. It is quiet and not much traffic to disturb the peace even though we are at a four way stop. I will be interested to see how quiet it is on the 4th of July.

All in all, things are settling down here and rightfully so. We have been a little disheveled since the move, but I expect everything to settle nicely into place very soon.

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

 I really get a kick outta life when someone asks me a favor.

I looked at my phone this afternoon and saw that a friend had reached out for a favor. She had a request for a letter of reference as to whether or not she is a good person. I was flattered that she would ask me to write something of this nature and I immediately began to think of how I would portray her; in the kindest of terms, of course.

Often times we see people in our lives as a 'type'. Their character traits are visible to a certain extent and we form an opinion about the person based on our observations. Some people 'act' a certain way to get people to think of them as 'this kind of person' or 'that kind of person', when they really aren't that way at all. They just want to be seen as a certain kind of person to improve their standing.

This friend isn't like that at all. Her heart is as big as Texas and she always considers others over what she wants or needs. A real and giving soul with a deep love for others. I have learned a lot from the way she treats the people around her. It would be a much better world if everyone was as kind as my friend.

Right now, I see her going through a huge trial that is affecting her deeply. The eyes are a dead give away. Publicly, she acts as though she's fine, but the truth is, she is hurting and I don't know how to 'fix it' for her. I do know that only God can intervene in matters like these and I ask Him to do so when I pray. 

We never really know what others go through unless they share their problem, and even then we can't really 'feel' what the other person feels unless we've 'been there', right?

Look at the ones around you that seem to be succeeding in life. What are they like? How do they handle issues, really difficult issues that can tear apart a family or bring it together. Now look at your own life. Are you succeeding? I pray that it is so. But if you're not succeeding, do you know why? Have you taken inventory and discovered the one thing, or the many things that are holding you back? Believe me, that is not an easy task. Taking stock of your own life takes courage and persistence to be sure. Many among us look in the mirror and quickly look away. Their conscience 'can't take the heat'.

However, when someone is truly seeking the truth for their lives, the door to understanding can be flung wide with only a few simple steps. Mindset has to be 'righted' like a wavering boat on the water. You have to get control of your thinking and establish a baseline of what's real and what isn't.

There are a lot of 'systems' out there that don't really work. Most of them are only designed to take you further down the rabbit holes of confusion so the 'salesman' can sell you a bill of goods. When the plan fails, you look at yourself in the mirror, again, and still turn away in disappointment. What a vicious circle.

Consider this. Get your Bible out and sit down in a quiet place and rest a minute or two until everything is still. Now you are ready to begin a simple but wildly effective approach to finding out and knowing truth.

Since the Bible is a living organism, a spiritual being if you will, you can talk to it as though it is a close friend that only wants the best for you. Ask God to 'speak' to you through His Word and begin reading. Where, you say?

A good place to begin is the Gospel of John. However, if you read the Bible on a more regular basis, ask God where He would like you to begin and wait until He answers. It won't be long.

Answers come by 'hearing' someone tell you the answer. Sometimes it 'comes to mind' and other times an actual person tells you or a song tells you or you read the answer somewhere. Make no mistake, God will answer your requests. That is why He made us. To have a relationship with us and fellowship with us and help us and.....

This approach often takes more than one try. "If at first you don't succeed..." There is no issue where God does not have the answer. He is the Creator, the designer if you will, of how we are put together. Who knows a product better than the designer and manufacturer?

Don't rely on man for the answers to your deepest questions. Man is just like you. We are all fallible and most are selfish and self serving, so take that into consideration when you really 'need to know' something.