Friday, July 30, 2010

...when it all comes into focus.

I stopped work at almost 1AM.
I am suddenly tired, but it's a good tired. Di and I worked on a new logo today for an organizatin that helps single parent families. I love it when we do things like this for people like this.
At first I couldn't get anything that I liked until I broke down the original idea into a much smaller, simpler version . It was just too busy. Earlier, I visited with one of the people from the group of "deciders" and got a sense of what she was talking about right away. We had a great conversation and as I hung up I got a slight spark of an idea and went right to work. After a few hours the idea took shape and I made four versions of the design and posted them in an email to the four people that are deciding on the quality of our efforts.

I hope this strikes as strong a chord with them as it did with me. It just felt right, ya know?
Its like that with songs too. I get a hint of a melody and run for my guitar in anticipation. More often than not the melody expands and in a little while a new one is birthed! It's magical and wonderful and invigorating and more. Those are the good times for me. I would rather write than eat; be it music, a book, a short story, a commercial. It just doesn't matter. It's the idea of bringing something from inside my head and having it displayed on the page and make sense. The best are normally the first, fastest written and loosely worded ones. They take a bit of refinement, sure, but in the end it's that thought that just pops out that hits home the hardest and truest.
How do you write? How do you create the work that roams around in your head? I'd really love to know.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

testing 101

How often do we look at the events we are experiencing as a test? In the heat of the moment I find myself all but 'shutting down' mentally, focusing more on the duel than the 'destination'.
After the fact, I then look back and see what I have come through, reflecting on the circumstances and reasons for what has occurred. Sometimes it's almost like looking in the rear view mirror and seeing the carnage of a car wreck on the road behind me as I drive away.
Am I running from life? I don't think so, but I am aware of the dangerous times we are moving into at a much faster pace than I have ever known. The news bears record of my concerns. Crime has increased incrementally each year for the past five years and the trend is growing in numbers at an alarming rate. I've noticed the heightened anger levels people exhibit in public and that pushes me toward avoiding gatherings a lot more than it ever has. I used to relish going out, but I would rather stay put these days.
After reading over this I wonder what others are thinking and how they deal with the pressures of this modern world.

" the early mornin' rain..."

I heard a faint roll of thunder as I was leaving the sanctuary. We have been hoping for a cooling rain for days now and the sound of the raindrops on the metal roof was almost as cooling as the rain itself. Isn't it funny how sounds can give you the sensation of one thing or another?

My brain is tired. I have been reading a lot more than I usually do but that's a good thing. I intend to improve a great deal in the coming weeks in more than one area and I know that it will take some careful study to do so. The learning curve is a rather long one but I am in hopes of seeing a good deal of progress with two things in particular that will mean a vast improvement in our lives in general. I hesitate to explain further because I want to surprise everyone with the good tidings when I reach my first goal. Does that perk your interest a little? I truly hope so.

My sweet wife has been attacked with a horrible rash for the past few days. Her poor little face is swollen and I know she must feel terribly self conscious as she goes about her daily routine. I got into some poison ivy one time and I thought I was going to die. Just now, I can't do a thing about it and it's making me feel awful. She has tried several remedies but thus far it's a losing battle. She is sleeping at the moment and I am hoping that the last effort she made with yet another product recommended will indeed bring some relief. Bless her heart, I know she feels at a loss after two solid days of excruciating itch and torment.

Her comment to me earlier was classic Dianna. She said something to the effect that we were probably in line for a huge blessing because we have been attacked so much. Isn't that the way of it though? The more the enemy comes against you, the more you fight back and the more you overcome and that in time brings great victories.
I certainly pray that to be true in our daughter's life. Her trials, although self inflicted, are weighing heavy on my mind. We can only stay out of the way at this point and let God come through... as he always does. In the meantime, it's so hard not to try this or that to remedy the situation. I know better though, because I've been there before and the worst possible thing to do when trouble like this comes is try and resolve it with your own thinking, your own powers, your own bravado. How little we know. Trust is the best remedy, without a doubt.
"Trust & obey.... there is no other way..."

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

...and are you a writer?

The question comes and you find a way to answer. Was I too short or did I go on and on too much about what I have inside that wants so desperately to get out? Did that sound egotistical?
Have you ever wanted to crawl into a closet and hide?
I feel like that sometimes when a stranger asks me what I'm writing. At first it's almost as though I'm doing something wrong and then I think, 'no wait, I do have something to say here!. It is important; at least to me, why not others?'

There is so much garbage coming out right now that is being passed off as 'art' and I have to wonder why. where did value go? Why is it the shallow ponds reflect the brightest against the sun only to eventually peel away in the end and reveal the lie; the deceit, the intent. And people just go on to the next mirror and look in as though it's the thing to do and 'everybody does it' and 'oh well, nobody cares anyway' and 'so what?'

I heard a voice on the phone say,"Why is this happening to me?", after they had dared the evil one to 'bring it on!' Solomon indeed was a wise man. He said, "Vanity of vanity, all is vanity."
We think we're bullet proof until the bullets begin to fly and then we're the first ones to hit the deck.
If there's any one thing I've learned from my children, it's that I have so much yet to learn.
Lord, don't let me be ignorant, especially when it comes to the enemy. He's had thousands of years to get his game going. I know I'm no match for his devices and intrigues. I will run to your refuge and rely on your wisdom and not my own and stand in the shadow of your mercy forever!

at the end of a long day

I spent most of the day in a meeting and then another and then the long drive home of about 50 miles. I know things have to be done outside the studio, but I don't care much for being away. My 'comfort zone' as it were, tends to draw me in and I surround myself with the tasks and relax like the proverbial cat on its back, paws extended upward, unaware of the world running past.
It's not as though I dislike the interaction with friends and peers, I just prefer that setting more than I used to. Yes, I used to look for excuses to go out. I could never stay still for very long; I had to go 'somewhere', even if it was just outside the door a few paces. I find that a little amusing.
Does anyone know anything about the Solfeggio Scale? Let me know if you do. I am interested in pursuing the inner workings of how to compose in that fashion. Let me know, if you will

Monday, July 26, 2010

as we go....

Hello again. I really enjoyed the day yesterday.
Both services at our little church were very anointed and I can sense the beginning of a new era in the church. The evil one has done his best to tear down everyone's relationships with each other and has even succeeded in some areas, but God is good and rightly to be praised because the ones that really want to serve him are coming through and showing signs of good growth on the vine!
Never let it be said that God's people don't know how to listen.

I have added advertisements to the blog today. I want to see how they look along side the words and what kind of impact it might have on the message we want to offer.

A new blog will show up soon. It is to be called TADA!, and will be for aspiring authors to give their impout and knowledge in a forum setting that will add greatly to the public awareness of just how many good writers there are out there that are not yet published. We have a wealth of talent coming onboard from beginner to old salt and I am very excited to be a part of it.
Look for it and consider being a contributor.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

unwanted emails....

I have been deleting my junk mail...again. It seems like no matter how careful I am, I get 'thousands' of mails each week that I don't want. I recently put an item on Craigslist and I never in my wildest dreams would have thought that people would inundate me with 'junk' as if they were responding to my sale item. Now I have to go through all of it to see if in deed there are legitimate offers for what I am trying to sell. How discouraging.
On the other hand, I have been so blessed with learning about some new information that I am working on that may mean a very dynamic change to my music. I will have to put some of it into practice to see how it works but I am excited about trying it out in the next few days. I don't know all that I want and need to know to apply what I am learning at present, but I do believe that what I've seen thus far is quite powerful.
Imagine for a moment what it must have sounded like in the temple when David was king. What was the music like and what were the services like and so on.
From what I have gathered thus far, I understand that there were certain sounds or notes if you will, that were sounded out to perform certain 'tasks', thereby achieving certain results. It's all still quite new to me at this point, so hang on and give me a bit more time to research and learn and I'll be sure to pass along everything I find. This could be a major breakthrough if I understand it correctly.
Can you tell that I'm excited? DUH.
There are also some other areas that I'm looking into in regard to my blog and the websites, but I'll save that for another post and not keep you tied up too long on this one.
I hope you all know how inspiring it is to have you 'along for the ride' so to speak. There's nothing like having friends that are interested in what's going on all around us and take the time to be informed and 'warmed'.