Wednesday, July 21, 2010

unwanted emails....

I have been deleting my junk mail...again. It seems like no matter how careful I am, I get 'thousands' of mails each week that I don't want. I recently put an item on Craigslist and I never in my wildest dreams would have thought that people would inundate me with 'junk' as if they were responding to my sale item. Now I have to go through all of it to see if in deed there are legitimate offers for what I am trying to sell. How discouraging.
On the other hand, I have been so blessed with learning about some new information that I am working on that may mean a very dynamic change to my music. I will have to put some of it into practice to see how it works but I am excited about trying it out in the next few days. I don't know all that I want and need to know to apply what I am learning at present, but I do believe that what I've seen thus far is quite powerful.
Imagine for a moment what it must have sounded like in the temple when David was king. What was the music like and what were the services like and so on.
From what I have gathered thus far, I understand that there were certain sounds or notes if you will, that were sounded out to perform certain 'tasks', thereby achieving certain results. It's all still quite new to me at this point, so hang on and give me a bit more time to research and learn and I'll be sure to pass along everything I find. This could be a major breakthrough if I understand it correctly.
Can you tell that I'm excited? DUH.
There are also some other areas that I'm looking into in regard to my blog and the websites, but I'll save that for another post and not keep you tied up too long on this one.
I hope you all know how inspiring it is to have you 'along for the ride' so to speak. There's nothing like having friends that are interested in what's going on all around us and take the time to be informed and 'warmed'.

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