Tuesday, July 27, 2010

...and are you a writer?

The question comes and you find a way to answer. Was I too short or did I go on and on too much about what I have inside that wants so desperately to get out? Did that sound egotistical?
Have you ever wanted to crawl into a closet and hide?
I feel like that sometimes when a stranger asks me what I'm writing. At first it's almost as though I'm doing something wrong and then I think, 'no wait, I do have something to say here!. It is important; at least to me, why not others?'

There is so much garbage coming out right now that is being passed off as 'art' and I have to wonder why. where did value go? Why is it the shallow ponds reflect the brightest against the sun only to eventually peel away in the end and reveal the lie; the deceit, the intent. And people just go on to the next mirror and look in as though it's the thing to do and 'everybody does it' and 'oh well, nobody cares anyway' and 'so what?'

I heard a voice on the phone say,"Why is this happening to me?", after they had dared the evil one to 'bring it on!' Solomon indeed was a wise man. He said, "Vanity of vanity, all is vanity."
We think we're bullet proof until the bullets begin to fly and then we're the first ones to hit the deck.
If there's any one thing I've learned from my children, it's that I have so much yet to learn.
Lord, don't let me be ignorant, especially when it comes to the enemy. He's had thousands of years to get his game going. I know I'm no match for his devices and intrigues. I will run to your refuge and rely on your wisdom and not my own and stand in the shadow of your mercy forever!

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