Friday, October 20, 2023

I can't believe I woke up at 7:30. The coolness of the day was throughout the house. We left windows open to keep things cool and it did. I love this time of year, when we can get fresh air, sorta, through the screens and still enjoy the warmth of our blankets as though we were into winter season already. Di loves the cool room. I had to get used to it. 

The war rages on and still, I hear the same news every morning. "They are about to enter Gaza..."
How much longer will this be? I am thinking Biblically. We are so close to the end. All the signs point to what the Word speaks; and has for years. Our information is so crystal clear and yet the number of people fighting against 'good' is overwhelming. I can't believe my eyes to see so many young people distracted by the left thinkers. They have really laid out a good plan to destroy our young ones. All the hype and misdirected views have really taken hold of the thinking. How can it be so easy for me to see what's going and not for them? Father, help me to spread Your Word better. I have been so blessed and the mercy shown is undeserved, yet Father is still blessing and teaching me and being patient. 
What's next? We are surely in for a roller coaster ride of the century. I can see events about to happen and don't know how they will actually fall into place. The only thing I know for sure is that God is in control and His plan is good. We suffer the consequences of our action more than we think. I am grateful for the patience of God. Otherwise we would all be toast.
Join with me in prayer for all the soldiers on the frontlines. Some will most certainly give their all in this great conflict, but their reward is eternal for the sacrifice. Bless our leaders that have to send our troops into battle. I'm sure the weight  sits heavy on their shoulders. I only hope that they pray a lot about what they are about to do.
God bless America and God bless Israel.

Monday, October 16, 2023

 How cool is that?

We often find ourselves in places that are uncomfortable. I know, you're possibly thinking it's a location, but that's not what I'm talking about. The 'location' I'm referring to is relational. We say or do something that sets the tone in a totally different place than intended. 

I emailed a friend the other day and he totally misunderstood what I 'said' as being negative, when it wasn't meant that way at all. I had to back track a little to calm him down somewhat and get the 'train' back on the track I was aiming for. 

I love words. I even named the blog after words. Words are so expressive, but only when they can be 'heard' in the right context. We often think we are being 'heard' when we are not. The fast pace of our lives today can set us up for a lot of misunderstood dialogue along the way. I am becoming more and more aware of this issue because we are getting into some pretty tricky situations around the globe and not many people are stopping long enough to actually listen to a point of view past the first few words in the sentences. I hear people interrupt others before they can even finish a thought and suddenly go in the opposite direction the speaker was going with his or her point. There's too much confusion here. 

We all just need to slow down long enough to let the other guy say what he or she has on their mind and 'then' comment. It sure would cut down on a lot of the arguments that are happening right now. No matter what side you are on, it's does take a little diplomacy to navigate this world, to say the least .

Love is or should be a big part of our loves and the lack there of sets the stage for some awful  outcomes. Without love we are crippled and not really able to function properly. Let your mind relax a bit when you think someone is going against the grain. They may not have the ability to express themselves quite right, but their heart may still be in the right place. We should give each other a little more slack, especially right now. Would you agree? I sure hope so. I love people but I abhor hate and discontent. If I can comfort someone, I am comforted. It just works that way for me. 

Thursday, October 12, 2023

Great words of encouragement
I saw this online and had to share it with all of you today. Our hearts go out to our wonderful friends in Israel as they suffer the loss of loved ones and fellow warriors. We are are certainly in the End Times. See the news reports and compare that to what our Bible says so plainly. It's the same thing. Here's the quote I wanted to pass along to everyone.... Be blessed.

Occupy Until I Come!

"Get ready to see the Kingdom of Heaven penetrate every area of your life. Get ready to see My hands work in the smallest details of your life.

"Rather than disorder, your life will have order, and rather than disease, your life will feel at ease because My hands will be working. You will see your enemies humbled before your eyes, and you will know that it's the Lord's hands at work.

"Times of volatility and instability will arise, but do not fear, for I am with you, and will uphold you in My right hand. What you put your mind to do will prosper, and what you put your hands to do will succeed, for I, the Lord your God, will give you success.

"Occupy until I come, and continue to occupy. Don't let anything hold you back, for I am breaking the spirit of delay from you. You will run and not grow weary and you will walk and not faint, for your strength will come from Me.

"This is the month where your faithfulness will be rewarded, and more authority shall be given. This is the month where you will start to see the transfer of wealth. This is the month where I am assigning you as My Kingdom partner and trusting you with heavenly resources.

"You will hear Me say, 'Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much.' You will hear Me say, 'More will be given; more will be entrusted. Things will suddenly start to line up.'"

Tuesday, October 10, 2023


The most important Time of the World

The information is coming in hot and fast. We are in the beginning of the most important time of the world. Yes, I said it. "The most important time in the world."

Look at the news and then look at your Bible. It's the same thing. All the former words are becoming the latter words. All  the statements about the people and the countries of the world are a mimicking of the Word. God is showing Himself to us in new and better and stronger ways. Prepare. Yes, get ready, because things will begin to happen faster and faster than ever before. The evil one has set his chief human up to begin his attempt to take over the world and it will look as though he can actually do it. BUT GOD. Yes, BUT GOD.
God already has a plan in play. He has from the beginning. How stupid is the evil of our world to run head long into the mouth of destruction, not knowing that it is sheer folly to try. Our lives are not our own. The roadmap has already been laid out before us. All we have to do is 'read the signs' and follow the path. That is our only salvation; our only recourse and assurance of safety. Don't be fooled by the hype or the promises to keep you from being involved in what's going on. The world is already 'covered ' by the intelligence sector of the enemy. "They" know who you are. They know where you are and they know what you profess to believe. The time of not being able to buy or sell if you are Christian is upon us now. Look at what the banks are doing. They are shutting down the major Christian's accounts left and right and the 'little guy' is next. They will control the money, the water, the food, the fuel and the land. Our only safety is in the Lord. I will be surprised if this post stays up for very long unless they don't have a very strong 'marker' on me. I know I'm probably not very important in their eyes thus far and that's good. Because I fully intend to be a lot more vocal from now on. We can't sit by any longer. The time is "NOW" to stand for the right or get left behind to suffer the consequences of our lack of effort to spread the Word of the Lord to the ones that don't have any idea of what's transpiring. The trap has been set and in some places even sprung in places that have less knowledge and understanding than we do. Unsuspecting people are being swallowed up by the actions of the evil one and his minions. Look around you. You can surely see the way things have changed where you are. Are you still not aware of what's going on around you? I think, deep down inside there is a 'knowing' beginning to grow inside of you and that you are at least curious as to what it is. God has instilled in each and every one of us a 'knower'. That little something that's informing us of the changes about to happen. He said, "in the last days I will pour out my Spirit upon all men..." That's what is burning inside of you right now and alerting you to the urgency of the times and prompting you to take action. 
Don't wait. Pray right now , that God lifts you up and begins the process of getting you ready for His soon return to planet earth and what will follow. Don't take a chance on being left out of the process. It's life and death to us all right now whether you believe it or not. Just be aware of what I'm saying and balance it against what is going on each day.  It will come about or I will be wrong and found to be crazy and under the influence of untrue beliefs and information.

I pray a blessing on you right now as your friend. "God , bless the ears and the minds of each and everyone that reads this post. May it resonate in their hearts and minds and be a witness to them of your great love for all mankind; not wishing any one to perish because of unbelief. Thank you for hearing my prayer in Jesus' name amen.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023


Nothing worse than feeling worn out inside and stagnant. The guilt alone kicks butt; both cheeks.

But I do look forward and not back. I think that is imperative today especially. Had a back and forth with a client about being 'sick and tired'. all he could say was how mistreated he had been and how everything had gone wrong and this and that. At first I felt sorry for him but the more he dragged it out, the less sympathy I could muster. I tried to encourage and exhort him but he only wanted to wallow in his self pity, so I let him. Sad to be him.

The people that bring on bad things in their lives by living in the negative are so unfortunate. I see people with major disabilities that have great courage and high spirits and it mesmerizes me. They exude a triumphant attitude and barely see the unimaginable hurt they have suffered. This guy was all but blaming God for his woes. He called himself, "God's test Dummy". How awful. I think deep down he is crying out for recognition and doesn't know that he can easily get it by being positive. He has great talents and does some amazing things with a camera, but his main objective is to point to his dilemma instead of the blessings. I will keep him on my prayer list and see how God helps him work these things out; if he 'listens'.

The rain has begun. How awesome is the sound of thunder in the distance and the rhythm of the raindrops on the metal rook of the deck outside. We have a concert every time it rains. The birds are first up with all the twittering and chirping; announcing the coming storm and then it grows silent as the clouds arrange themselves in the 'orchestra pit' and begin 'tuning up' before the impending concert. I sit very still and listen for the beginning melodies of the 'sprinkle section' and then the broad strings of the wind section that usher in the big guns. It's always amazing and never the same song; always brand new. How marvelous is our God. He always thrills His children with His majesty and innovation.

We have so much to look forward to. That's why I try so desperately to never look back. The past is a deep hole that can swallow you up before you know it and oh how hard it is to climb up and out of it. You're never the same after looking back. The mistakes are magnified and the successes are minimized.... nothing good ever comes from living in the past. Don't.

I'll stop for now and go listen to the 'concert' some more. Blessings

Sunday, September 24, 2023

How do we get so caught up in things? I found myself engrossed in looking at my friends pictures on Facebook after posting my newest song. I have a lot of other things to do right now but.... "squirrel"!

We are so easily distracted today. Our options keep growing and our time is shorter and shorter on how much of it we can devote to the task at hand.

The recording is picking up in pace and quality, so I am pleased with the progress thus far. look for more posts on Facebook if you have time and give me an opinion. I need input on how it sounds, content and over all quality, so thanks ahead of time for your input.

The day is Sunday. Neither Di or I made it to church today. We both had separate issues and it just wasn't in the cards. It's very rare to miss, but I think it gave me a different perspective on how the week takes place and precedence over other things in our lives.

Changes are taking place everywhere. I see a difference in the 'landscape' in Washington and so hope that the lights are fully turned on to the happenings there. It's so overdue on getting our country back in God's hands and out of the wicked leaders control we have been presented with for so many years. One of the politicians, who will remain unnamed here, has been receiving a lot of 'favors' through the years. He must have a lot of 'leverage' on his counterparts to be able to get by with all that has transpired in his 40 plus career. God keeps good books, so I know the reckoning is coming. 

It really makes me take inventory more often knowing I too have to stand before him one day and give account of my mistakes and sins. I owe more than I could ever pay, but that's not how it works. God looks at the heart and I hope mine is favorable.

Thanks for stopping by again. I so long to be able to do this a lot more often. 

Sunday, September 10, 2023

The Circle of Life

 What does it mean when we say. "we travel in  different circles?"

I really don't think it's a good thing to go in a circle all the time or only associate with 'certain'  people. We were made to relate to and with each other, even if we differ on various subjects. The Bible instructs us to "be at peace" with each other and put aside petty bickering and self seeking.

Should we be going 'in a circle'?

I thought the best way to go was 'straight ahead, not looking to the left or the right..."

Is that left, as in policy and politics ; or right? Is that meant to keep us with blinders on, with the potential of missing something or making the wrong choice on a matter, because it was 'out of sight' at the moment of contact? 

I get confused with man's definitions. God, on the other hand has clear instructions and positive input that lends itself to my being comfortable in my own skin. The 'closed off' minds are a bother to me. Not that we should be 'open minded' and operate under the premise that compromise is best. No. But compensation is quite the other thing. If we compensate for someone's 'need' it makes us peacemakers. If we 'contend' about petty things it makes us controlling and hard headed; backward if you will.

I make myself do things that I would really rather do another way. But if I'm going to be humble, I need to concentrate on doing just that.

Our lives are so short and filled with experiences. We should relish each one and treasure those experiences and have a log of positive things to look back on and know that we're in the center of His will and not on the fringe or even totally 'out of it'.

I pray that my messages reach the hearts and minds of those in need of encouragement and comfort, and that all I say and do is in God's perfect will.

Blessings are coming. Blessings are essential to our being; our 'well being' if you will. We have to be on the look out for the evil one's devices. He uses us against each other to bring about strife and division that tears us apart; especially when we are about to have a breakthrough. Let our 'yea' be 'yea' and our 'nay be 'nay' and let everything else fall away like the dross in the fire.

Nothing brings or grows the seed of bitterness faster than misunderstanding and avarice. We  'must' love one another, no matter the cost to our egos and feelings. Cast aside all malice and bring yourselves under control as the Holy Spirit instructs and places knowledge inside our spiritman.