Thursday, July 15, 2010

another 'old post'

The Words Dance June 18, 2010
The sun is shining brightly this afternoon. The camp is quiet and practically empty for the most part. The students have all piled into various vehicles and made their way down the mountain and into town to do laundry. The girls usually go to LaVeta while the boys normally go to Walsenburg. I wasn’t here when they left so I don’t know if that holds true today.
I do know that the camp was in utter turmoil when Di and I returned from a dinner invitation about 9:30 last night.
It seems as though we had some 'unwelcome guests' in the camp as the evening service got into full swing.
A young girl of about 11 suddenly announced she saw a demon in the back of the room about the time my camera went crashing to the floor. The girl instantly went into a frenzy and was uncontrollably weeping for well over an hour. Others began experiencing sensations of being touched and or chased and the whole camp was in an uproar just as we arrived.
The staff began the process of calming everyone as best as could be managed under the circumstances and we all went into prayer mode, casting demons out and away from the camp and praising God for the authority he gives us to deal with such occurrences.
I was told that my camera hit the deck from about 5 feet up as it sat atop the tripod. Normally if a camera is dropped from half that height it would be history. Not so here. God is good and rightly to be praised. The only thing I can determine that is wrong with my camera is the lens cover. It has a series of scratches on it and it doesn’t attach to the lens now. That’s all. God is good … as I said.
We had been having reports of ‘unusual ‘ things going on, but no one really took authority over the situation until the camera went down. The whole camp immediately prayed for my camera and then the staff began ministering to the children. Needless to say, most of them were very much the worse for wear, but again, God is good and rightly to be praised. He helped us calm down the dilemma to where everyone could finally go to sleep.
I lay down awhile later to sleep. I wondered what the children would have to say when we woke up the next day. I kept thinking what a good life lesson it was. On the morrow they would see that everyone was still there, still alive and still able to carry on as before. There would be no more demons to deal with because we had expelled them from the camp.
Little did I know what God would do next.... Read the post just before this one.... I should have put it after this one....
The Words Dance (June17th)
[This is a post I did while in camp one day. I think it bears posting.... even if it is a bit late....]
I haven’t written anything since coming to camp on the 4th of June to help get things ready. Camp Elim takes a lot of each person’s time, but it’s worth it none the less. I have received over 2000 emails since arriving and only a hundred or so have been worth looking at or for that matter, answering.

The class Dianna did last week was awesome. She asked me to film it, which is unusual in and of its self since she is so camera shy. That's why I took special interest in what was happening. She gave her testimony and 12 children came to the Lord at the end of class. We wept with utter joy at the experience and still rejoice each time we think of it.
I have set up a temporary “office” here in Brother Joe’s old office overlooking the Tabernacle and Dining Hall. The area between the two buildings is where everyone gathers between classes and I can see the interaction among the boys and girls as they try to impress each other with their talents and skills. They are growing so fast.
Seeing some of them again after last year, I wonder what has happened in their lives since the last time I saw them, and hope for a better future for them than what they have had to endure up to now. It is apparent that they are survivors in a cruel world where most only have lack to look forward to as a constant companion.
The Indian heritage is strong in each ones features and even more so in their actions. The history of strong warriors still rests within them. If we can only stir the fires of courage and help them become more and more inquisitive in regard to things that pertain to the Lord, then we have a chance of helping them get a good foundation.
I see Dianna going across the walkway from Kitchen to Tabernacle with a big pot of food. It is time for the noon meal once again. The younger ones seem like little birds in a nest as they look up to us for sustenance and knowledge.
I marvel.

" the shelter of your arms...."

The evening shadows are forming on the wall outside my window. I can see the traffic on the road going back and forth from east to west like giant ants at a picnic.
I'm not interested in getting out in the heat these days because the heat index is around 110. I don't do well in the heat and so I merely 'observe' the outside world from my little perch high up in my air conditioned room.
What I am interested in is what is going on in the Spirit realm. I was up about 3:30 this morning and into Romans. I usually stay away from Romans because it is so legalistic and hard to read and King James isn't the easiest version to translate into everyday language; but I still read it. It gives me great comfort to hear the sounds of the words 'splashing' across my mind like an incoming wave from the Gulf.
I ramble in my mind, thinking first one thing and then another not really trying to stay 'on point' about any one topic in particular. I want to be open to what the Lord wants to tell me so I listen more than I think and that tends to give me a bit of a lazy atmosphere in my mind.
I want to hear what it is that God intends to have me do next, but I haven't heard anything concrete; or am I just too dense? I pray not.

We are on a quest. By we, I mean Dianna and I. We are looking at the chance of starting a publishing company with a lady in Colorado. her credentials are impeccable and her heart is toward the Lord, so I have been inclined to be very positive about it. I need to get into something that is productive and substantive and prosperous. It has been too long now that we have been 'church mice', living like vagabonds not knowing where the funds are coming from for the bills that all too often get paid far too late.

I don't believe that God intends for us to live this way. I more often than not think that it's something I'm not doing that is placing us in this condition month after month.
I have resolved to turn every penny that comes in over to Dianna. She can manage money. I cannot. I am loath to say that my business management skills are sorely lacking. That more than anything else is the cause for our present standing.
How's that for transparency? A freshly washed window in the full light of day.

My only solace is the fact that I can go into my prayer closet and seek the face of God, knowing full well that I will find comfort and encouragement and answers. That's why I am searching things out 'in the spirit' just now.
The work that I expect never comes and the work that we do get comes up unexpectedly. Why is that? Shouldn't I be ready for what is forthcoming after having heard from God as to what he would have me do next? Isn't that the way it's supposed to work? Get the message, work toward the outcome and see the increase come about.... isn't that the way of it? You can see my concern as to 'missing the boat' so to speak.

"Ah but it's so good to be in the shelter of your arms...."

Monday, July 12, 2010

oh what a relief it is....

I had no idea that one of the young men in our church was so talented. His job has him working on computers for a living and he is very good. We have been having computer issues for months and I was looking at a large bill to repair every unit we have that needs attention. An early estimate was around $500 and could have been a lot more.
I was visiting with him after church Sunday evening and the topic of computers came up.
"Oh, I work on them all day long at work....", he added, almost as a matter of fact.
It is Monday evening now and the young man just left, after almost three hours of intense inspection and repair of three of our computers. We still have some unfinished issues and he has promised to return until everything is 'ship shape'.

I learned about some very dynamic software that he uses and was given copies to put on each computer which will help keep us 'bug free' and running smoothly.

I am sitting here thinking how blessed we are once again.
"Oh, you don't owe me anything....", he said as he was leaving, "I just wanted to help out...."

The next time you see a young person that is being a problem, don't be too disappointed with them. There is still hope. Not everyone ends up a loser. There are a lot of caring, genuine young men and women that truly have a heart for others and are willing to be a blessing.

Sooner or later I know I will find a way to do something special for my young friend. It may take awhile, but I won't forget to complete this important mission.
I also have to be sure to give credit where credit is due. I know he is the way he is because his mother raised him right, so thanks 'Mom', you're the greatest!

Saturday, July 10, 2010


The journey home was a tiresome and uncomfortable event. We started out a bit later than we had hoped and that put us into OKC proper around 2 Am. We had been advised that an issue with one of our grandsons was looming on the horizen and that put somewhat of a negative spin on the ride as well.
All was not as bad as we had been led to believe, so presently I am relaxing at my desk instead of stressing out; a much better feeling, believe me.
Isn't it just like the evil one to present things in the worst possible light in an effort to bring us down to his level and ruin our day? I just hate it when that happens.
I'm going to keep on trusting the Lord. That pays off in a much greater way than I have ever known the other side to provide relief. And the stress factor is so much smaller when I don't have to come up with all the right answers for everything. I just 'listen' really well and read and somehow, everytime, there comes the answer. It's amazing. I sure do like this way as opposed to the way I used to work things out. It was like holding my finger up to test the wind. It didn't matter how hard I tried, I still kept spitting into the wind. And everybody knows what that gets you... a faceful!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

...on our way home...

I never thought that I would ever be uneasy about 'going home'.
The mere thought of home, my own bed, all the great friends waiting to welcome us back and the loving memories of just being 'in my own atmosphere' are little comfort to me just now.
Word came at dawn of a grievous family problem that looks insurmountable from a distance. I can only wonder what it will entail when we arrive.

Not going into any great detail, I can only say that it was not welcome news in the least.
Life is like that though. The most unexpected happenings are what pop up when you least expect them and you have to 'deal with it'.
I am so glad we had a 'rest period' though before we have to go back into the fray; we certainly will need to rely on what rest we have had, I can see that much.
I am almost anxious to see what God will do in all of this. The Word says "be anxious for nothing", but it's not easily accomplished in the face of such a dilema.
I do however, have a great sense of trust in it all and I am going to try my very best to be a stalwart soldier in it all and make my Master proud that he took time to teach me some things that I know in my 'knower' will be needed in the coming days.
Please say a little prayer for us as we walk through this together as a family and come out on the other side to the 'testimony time'. It will be interesting in deed.

Friday, July 2, 2010

At last....

Hello my good friends. We have been in Colorado for over a month now and loving every moment of it. We have had a wonderful camp (Camp Elim)with almost 50 children attending experiencing well over 20 salvations and many redeications.
The nicest part this year had to be the staff. We had three adult men to help Michael and several cooks to help in the kitchen. The hard part was getting the food to the tabernacle to feed everyone. If you don't recall or haven't been informed as yet, the dinning hall burned this past winter and it was deemed unusable by tne building inspector, so we had to move the dining facility to the tabernacle and also use it as the classroom. Things went well and no one seemed the worse for wear in all of the changes and things progressed nicely overall.
I was especially impressed with my beautifu wife, Dianna. Her teaching skills have matured from being a semi timid person more or less 'sharing' a thought to a very informed expressionist with good points and excellent references backing up her observations. I look forward to the Lord using her a great deal in the future.
We have traveled to Colorado Springs to be with my mother and sister for a few days. The rest is very much a welcomed change from the "camp" atmosphere. My sister's home is very nice and we are relaxing for the holiday in style.
I will meet with a book editor/ teacher this afternoon to see how well we "fit". I am in hopes that the Lord has provided a new addition to the mix as we look forward to getting an agent for our books. This woud add the muc needed expertise and literary knowledge to our work that has been very much a needed entity. Please keep us in prayer that this is the beginning of what we have hoped for in the way of literary guidance.
We have felt that God has been orchestrating some sort of a change in our lives this past two months, but we don't know as yet what all may be looming before us in the near future.
I have had a chance to see the news of late and all is pointng toward the soon return of our Lord to take us out of here before the worst of it begins to happen that we read so much about in Revelation.
Be ready my friends. This is no light, unimportant time we live in just now.
All things have been accomplished, according to the Word, that have to be done to complete God's steps to finish his plan. Be ready.

I will post some blogs that I wrote while in the mountains. I saved them to my laptop and believe that they convey things that I want to share with you all. Look for them soon.