Monday, July 12, 2010

oh what a relief it is....

I had no idea that one of the young men in our church was so talented. His job has him working on computers for a living and he is very good. We have been having computer issues for months and I was looking at a large bill to repair every unit we have that needs attention. An early estimate was around $500 and could have been a lot more.
I was visiting with him after church Sunday evening and the topic of computers came up.
"Oh, I work on them all day long at work....", he added, almost as a matter of fact.
It is Monday evening now and the young man just left, after almost three hours of intense inspection and repair of three of our computers. We still have some unfinished issues and he has promised to return until everything is 'ship shape'.

I learned about some very dynamic software that he uses and was given copies to put on each computer which will help keep us 'bug free' and running smoothly.

I am sitting here thinking how blessed we are once again.
"Oh, you don't owe me anything....", he said as he was leaving, "I just wanted to help out...."

The next time you see a young person that is being a problem, don't be too disappointed with them. There is still hope. Not everyone ends up a loser. There are a lot of caring, genuine young men and women that truly have a heart for others and are willing to be a blessing.

Sooner or later I know I will find a way to do something special for my young friend. It may take awhile, but I won't forget to complete this important mission.
I also have to be sure to give credit where credit is due. I know he is the way he is because his mother raised him right, so thanks 'Mom', you're the greatest!

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