Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Words Dance (June17th)
[This is a post I did while in camp one day. I think it bears posting.... even if it is a bit late....]
I haven’t written anything since coming to camp on the 4th of June to help get things ready. Camp Elim takes a lot of each person’s time, but it’s worth it none the less. I have received over 2000 emails since arriving and only a hundred or so have been worth looking at or for that matter, answering.

The class Dianna did last week was awesome. She asked me to film it, which is unusual in and of its self since she is so camera shy. That's why I took special interest in what was happening. She gave her testimony and 12 children came to the Lord at the end of class. We wept with utter joy at the experience and still rejoice each time we think of it.
I have set up a temporary “office” here in Brother Joe’s old office overlooking the Tabernacle and Dining Hall. The area between the two buildings is where everyone gathers between classes and I can see the interaction among the boys and girls as they try to impress each other with their talents and skills. They are growing so fast.
Seeing some of them again after last year, I wonder what has happened in their lives since the last time I saw them, and hope for a better future for them than what they have had to endure up to now. It is apparent that they are survivors in a cruel world where most only have lack to look forward to as a constant companion.
The Indian heritage is strong in each ones features and even more so in their actions. The history of strong warriors still rests within them. If we can only stir the fires of courage and help them become more and more inquisitive in regard to things that pertain to the Lord, then we have a chance of helping them get a good foundation.
I see Dianna going across the walkway from Kitchen to Tabernacle with a big pot of food. It is time for the noon meal once again. The younger ones seem like little birds in a nest as they look up to us for sustenance and knowledge.
I marvel.

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