Thursday, July 15, 2010

another 'old post'

The Words Dance June 18, 2010
The sun is shining brightly this afternoon. The camp is quiet and practically empty for the most part. The students have all piled into various vehicles and made their way down the mountain and into town to do laundry. The girls usually go to LaVeta while the boys normally go to Walsenburg. I wasn’t here when they left so I don’t know if that holds true today.
I do know that the camp was in utter turmoil when Di and I returned from a dinner invitation about 9:30 last night.
It seems as though we had some 'unwelcome guests' in the camp as the evening service got into full swing.
A young girl of about 11 suddenly announced she saw a demon in the back of the room about the time my camera went crashing to the floor. The girl instantly went into a frenzy and was uncontrollably weeping for well over an hour. Others began experiencing sensations of being touched and or chased and the whole camp was in an uproar just as we arrived.
The staff began the process of calming everyone as best as could be managed under the circumstances and we all went into prayer mode, casting demons out and away from the camp and praising God for the authority he gives us to deal with such occurrences.
I was told that my camera hit the deck from about 5 feet up as it sat atop the tripod. Normally if a camera is dropped from half that height it would be history. Not so here. God is good and rightly to be praised. The only thing I can determine that is wrong with my camera is the lens cover. It has a series of scratches on it and it doesn’t attach to the lens now. That’s all. God is good … as I said.
We had been having reports of ‘unusual ‘ things going on, but no one really took authority over the situation until the camera went down. The whole camp immediately prayed for my camera and then the staff began ministering to the children. Needless to say, most of them were very much the worse for wear, but again, God is good and rightly to be praised. He helped us calm down the dilemma to where everyone could finally go to sleep.
I lay down awhile later to sleep. I wondered what the children would have to say when we woke up the next day. I kept thinking what a good life lesson it was. On the morrow they would see that everyone was still there, still alive and still able to carry on as before. There would be no more demons to deal with because we had expelled them from the camp.
Little did I know what God would do next.... Read the post just before this one.... I should have put it after this one....

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