Tuesday, August 10, 2010

...the easy stuff

It's the shank of the day and I feel a simple satisfaction for having completed so many things without having a car wreck of an issue to deal with.
Isn't it nice not to have a problem for a change? Oftentimes, the day is broken up by the little disasters that plague our existence, putting a damper on the fun.
I am sincerely looking forward to the work on the Operation Man Up Program. It's in it's infancy just now, but I expect the pace to pick up a great deal in the next few days, having set meetings all through the week.
It will take some time, but what good thing doesn't? I relish the idea of the interaction with the men. It's been several years since Dianna and I were working full time with the street people. What a time. I look back on some of the experiences and marvel that we got to be a part of it. I am interested to see what will transpire in this next phase. I'm not going into it as such a novice this time and that's a good thing. I can avoid some of the inevitable pitfalls that beset the unwary.
It will also be interesting to see how things have changed on the street in ten years. Even though we haven't been 'full time' so to speak, we have kept track of certain aspects of the business of helping people. there are so many ministries today that it's hard not to know someone involved in this great work. I only hope I can be as effective as some of the ones we see in operation at present.
Let me know what you think about the homeless culture of today. It's always good to get a different point of view. that's how we learn to make the right changes and thus make a difference instead of creating more problems as some do .

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