Wednesday, August 4, 2010

...sad but sure.

I just read an email from a close friend that got news today of a heart valve that needs replacing. It seems that the valve is allowing blood to flow back into the chamber it has just left causing a real issue.
One never really knows what will happen in this life. Our lives are just a vapor that so quickly passes. I marvel at the ones that think they will live forever and snub the advice they're given about slowing down and appreciating what they have in the way of blessings.

This particular friend is very gifted and has worked extremely hard to better himself in order to serve the Lord better. I just don't know what to think about it yet; it is still so new to my ears. How do you talk to a friend when it comes to things like this? I know the 'standard issue', but this is quite different; for me at least. I had talked to him yesterday about a business matter and all was well. He expressed a concern that the VA had called and asked him to come in for a check up. I told him not to worry and to let me know what it was all about. When I read the email it struck me that I hadn't prayed about it after I got off of the phone with him last night as I should have. Hindsight....we always see so clearly in hindsight.

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