Monday, August 2, 2010 the ravaging heat

I refuse to go outside. The frying heat is shrinking the pavement on the street below as I look out the window from behind the curtain in the studio. Each day is registered by the size of the ever expanding cracks left behind by the searing temperatures and it's only the third day in August. What promises to be a record summer has arrived in full force.
How do you stay cool? Do you have some secret that you might share with the rest of us that would make our suffering easier, pray tell? Come on now, you can be honest; we'll put any and all tips to good use and be ever grateful for your timely offerings, believe me.
Di ventured out to get a few items from the store. I thought to tell her to stay put and wait for a fairer day, but after seeing the weather report, it might be September before she could go. It seems that we're in for a least a week of triple digits before there is even a possibility of a break. Drat!
Wouldn't you know it, I got an email from a friend in Colorado where the temp is in the mid seventies with a cool rain falling. He said he might have to wait a day or two to go back into the fields to cut hay, but didn't mind waiting. I wouldn't mind 'waiting' for the rain to end nestled down in a cool valley just below the Spanish Peaks, would you?
I know that there are some people that relish the heat. I see them trotting along the road with their headbands and Walkmans and I marvel and their tenacity. I prefer the studio surroundings.
How do you spend your time in the heat?

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