Thursday, August 26, 2010

...setting the stage

I awakened to the sounds of busy people on the floor below.
I could hear their voices and the happiness in them. It is so pleasant to hear happiness these days. Far too many of us carry the extra baggage of discontent around like the extra pounds we also need to shed. I for one am not going to be unhappy. It takes more effort to be unhappy, you know. Just as it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile. Our vantage point on the issues of life are too often from a negative perspective. We tend to 'look down' on things as opposed to looking up.
Try this. Every day when you get up, say,"Good morning Master, I am ready for the day you have planned for me. How can I be of service?" After awhile you will be looking forward to what God has in store for you because you will have seen the actions he put into play that changed over the course of your asking for an 'assignment' instead of just accepting whatever comes along like most people do. Remember, God said to ask him for things. Why not ask for good things. It works out that as I have done this on a consistent basis the days have 'smoothed out' and I tend to get more accomplished in a shorter period of time and my attitude is one of genuine happiness and joy over the fact that I'm actually doing something important for my Master.

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