Friday, August 20, 2010

...the run for the finish

I shut the front door and locked it. Hearing the sound of the metal tongue fall into the slot was a welcome noise. It signaled the end of another long day. I agreed to a last minute filming at a church service that had been planned for a month, but I had forgotten about it. They asked me to do a video for advertising purposes and I realized that it would be an opportunity to hear the person preach after several years. We had heard her before but not for some time. I was please that she ministered in truth and in plain terms. Too many play around with the Word and try to make it say what they want it to say so they can get something out of it. Not so here. It gave me a better sense of how to help in the future. The earlier part of the day was spent in an early morning prayer meeting at the Man Up location. The staff of the mission pray each morning and air their opinions, interests and woes openly and without reservation. I find the meetings refreshing. Some prayer meetings turn into way too much 'asking' and not enough listening. These guys get right to the heart of the matter and address each others needs in frankness. Even when they use the wrong word to describe the issue it strikes home and speaks to the reality of life 'out in the open'; the way they live every day.

I am primed for tomorrow. we are set to install new main speakers in the sanctuary and a new video screen and projector. This will usher in a whole new era for this little church. The Pastor's son and daughter in law will be running the new video, adding words to the songs on the screen so everyone can sing along easily.
Adding the new mains frees up some much needed monitors for the Praise Team, so that is an exciting element I'm anxious to 'tinker with'.
It's all a concerted effort to make a "run for the finish".

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