Saturday, February 17, 2024

I saw a movie

 I was unaware that watching a simple movie could be so impactful. I use movies as a distraction. I use movies to unwind. I use movies....

We all too often have a preconceived notion that some things are put in our path to help us relax. But we stress out instead.

 I don't think that now. I think God puts things in our way to make us aware of the  circumstances that are surrounding us, in part, to open our minds to new and exciting things that may inspire us. 

"In the Spirit". What does that even mean? I think we 'christianize' everything and expect the world to just fall into place like they know what we're saying, when they really have no idea what we're saying. It ludicrous. Our belief system has become a program of chess moves. We have to do 'this' to do 'that' and no one remembers why we did 'it' in the first place. No wonder the world doesn't want anything to do with us Christians. We're weird and they understand weird but they don't understand us. What does that tell you?

The clique has run its course. The clique has turned into a gang and the gang has turned into a mob and where does that leave us? No where else to go but down. The bottom. 

At least there's nowhere else to go but up...

We have to stop. The rate of descent is too extreme. The evil one has designed the slope to be so steep we can 't help but fall into the trap. No way but down. I digress. That's down, right?

"Come on man"...."Read the tea leaves"...  it's all in the plan. It's what's 'on tap'. You can't escape the all encompassing, 'all inclusive' rhetoric that's designed to program you. Robot time. Enough!

I wince at the thought of being caught up in the net. My only solace is my faith. I believe and therefore I am. "What a man thinketh in his heart, so is he".

Why does the library have so many books?  That many egos I suppose?

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