Friday, February 16, 2024

We rest when we can

 The weather is cool and quiet and so calm. The lake has its very own personality. I can envision the words drifting upward into the sun like feathers on the wind. My thoughts are about better days. I haven't felt quite right for a while. The efforts to rise above the attacks aren't winning like they used to. I don't know if it's my age or my mental state. The calm reserve I am used to is interrupted by aches and pains that won't go away. Such is life I suppose. We have to deal with things as they come. I accept that.
How do we overcome adversity? "by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony". We have to begin to rely on what the Word says. It's our only solution. The world has, by in large, made up its mind to defy the power of God and build their own 'towers of Babel'. We have to find our own way through the muck into sanity and separation. If we don't get away from the effects of the onslaught we will succumb to the enemy. Guilt by association. Being too close to a fire always leaves the singe of the flames on the not so innocent bystanders. 
He said, "I'm coming back for a bride without spot or blemish", so we better get 'cleaned up' or suffer the consequences. We only have so much time to do so as well. 

Anyone with half a brain can see that something huge is going to happen one way or another and soon. The decline is too steep, too sure and too overwhelming.
"Our lives are not our own".
It's  easy to 'talk' about how much we're doing but 
I'm convinced more than ever, that what is in our hearts will assure our fate.

I wonder just how many actually read this little blog. Whoever you are, thank you.

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