Saturday, February 24, 2024

Stepping into the moment...

 How often do we peer into the future looking for what's next? Is that even [possible? I think so, because we aren't complete and we need to know what's coming. That's discernment of which I am sorely lacking. I marvel at Dianna. She 'sees'. She has a spiritual bloodhound nose. She can 'smell out' the unrighteous. What a gift. It's second nature to her now after all this time climbing up into the lap of the Lord and listening to His marvelous voice speak to her. Whether she's asleep or awake I don't know. She just knows that she knows that she knows and that's it.

We just finished a short sabbatical at our son's house. He moved to the lake a few years ago and set up his 'sane place', where he thrives against all odds with his beautiful wife. They are growing old together, a trait quickly becoming a lost art, especially in the United States. More and more people are 'canceling' each other and moving into a world filled with self. Sad, but true. The lake house provides a wide range of activities for them and the companionship of like minded couples residing in a picturesque setting, envied by countless city dwellers unable to escape their dreary lives. 

No one seems satisfied anymore. "If I only had..." And when they get whatever it was they thought they wanted, they  move on to the next 'shiny object' on the want list and grumble until they get it. 'Children in the wilderness syndrome', seldom if ever satisfied with what they have already been given. I am reminded of the scripture that says God gives to the worthy and the unworthy alike.

I'll see the cardiologist in about an hour. I'll fill you in on what he thinks even though I don't put much faith in what he has to offer. Some of these guys are brilliant, yes, but they are so 'lost' in their own importance, they totally miss how far down on the totem they are in comparison to the 'Creator'. Why do so many perch themselves above their station and crow like the rooster until someone notices? A sad world, but, we don't have to stay here much longer.

Just got a picture of a close friend standing with Lance Wallnau at a conference. She so deserves recognition for her ministry. Her work is totally from the heart. I will share more about her in future postings. We are working together on things in Uganda where she has been serving as a missionary for some time now.

The passing of time has shown the various pathways the Lord leads us through. I continually marvel at His workmanship and mercy. Most people would have dropped me from their 'group' a long time ago, especially with my track record, but not Him. Evidently, He sees something there and keeps on keeping on with me. I'm still here. Praise God.

Now I begin to see better.... farther. I am looking for the middle of His will now. I used to be okay with the fringes, but not now. I have felt the tremendous energy of being in the center of His will. The guidance and the surging and the palatable 'realness'. His hand has a 'feel' to it. I am recognizing that now. The Master's touch... "The Jesus Touch" as the song says.

I want to ask everyone a favor. I'm experiencing some internal issues and I want to be able to serve in a larger capacity than I have been, but that takes energy and stamina. I need prayer. So... if you are so inclined, please lift me up to the Master for some healing and restoration here. Thank you

Tomorrow is another day. I know we aren't guaranteed another day here on earth, but if we should be granted that marvelous gift, I pray that my contributions will bring glory to Him in ways that others will be encouraged to offer to Him and for Him as well. Our time is short you know. I know, that's been a byword for a long time but if you aren't feeling it too, I recommend a sabbatical, taking time to concentrate fully on Father and His desires for your life. He never leaves us without a task. "Idle hands are the devil's workshop" as they say and I for one certainly do not want to play into the hands of that evil corrupter; do you? No. You don't.

I have to go outside now. Temps are in the low 70's with little to no wind.... perfect for some easy yard work and exercise. Ta ta

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