Tuesday, February 20, 2024

When the light comes on.

 What's the best way to know you are on 'the right track'? 

"What right track?"

God answers in His time and we are obedient to wait on Him. Or not.

You've asked for something that is important to you and you are waiting for the answer...

Again, how do you know you're on the right track?

That's a huge question for many of us. Our minds wander about the universe looking for answers. We often search everywhere but in the right place. Often times the answer has already been given and yet, we keep looking as though it hasn't appeared. 'It's not there cause I can't see it!' We are still spiritually blind in so many areas. Our limited minds try to understand the workings of God when He made it easy for us if we just 'follow'. It's our faith that 'catches us up' to the level of God's ways. "Without faith, it is impossible to please Him." We don't have to know about a thing unless He wants so show it to us. We only need to trust that it is being taken care of already. "Your faith has made you whole."  

That's body, mind and soul whole. That takes a lifetime.

In our finite minds we think we have to be in control and always know what's going on around us. God didn't make us the boss. He made us companions. There's a distinct difference. As companions we are supposed to interact with Him. 'Commune' with Him. That's short for communication, which is a more technical term. God's already taken care of the technical things. We are supposed to relax and 'be'. "Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

God 'makes things happen' and He 'allows things to happen'. Oh yes, God uses us for certain things but He's driving, He's in control. We are the passengers. We get to see His glory like a huge panoramic view as we 'ride along' the highway of life with Him. He loves it when He gets to chose the location and the destination. He wants to show us new and exciting things, wonders if you will. But like my little brother once said as we traveled through a beautiful New Mexico forest on vacation from our treeless West Texas flatland, after Nanny said, "O what a beautiful sight", he said, "I can't see nothin' for all these trees!

Why not enjoy the ride? Why not let go and let God? That's been the plan all along, hasn't it?

God made all of this, we didn't. God selected the time of our arrival and the time of our departure, so why get in the way and mess things up so He has to step in and 'fix it' all the time? "I have come to give you life, and that more abundantly."

I digress. 

This world is not our home. God made a 'testing ground' for us here to 'practice on' before we get the 'home run play' He designed in the beginning. Does Garden of Eden ring any bells? That's the end game if you will. If we can get it into our thick skulls that God isn't trying to 'burn' everybody, it might serve as a good sign that He's only trying to make things better. He's doing everything He can to 'show us the way'. As His children, He's 'trying to 'love us' into the kingdom. 'His burden is light, His yoke is easy'. We're the ones that make things hard. We turn and twist and manipulate and connive and grumble and act like the children in the wilderness, which is what we are really.

We're in a wilderness of sin and perversion and we wonder why things are bad. We're in a quagmire of lust and greed and selfishness and we wonder why we don't succeed. It's too easy. We're looking for the Hollywood version of life which is so phony it hurts, when we could enjoy the supernatural, mind blowing reality of what God wants for us. I don't get it. And I know I'm part of the problem! I haven't spoken up enough or lived a holy enough life for people to see God's real power in action. That's why people hate Christians.

We hide our beliefs, scared of someone seeing us as a Cristian and are so worried that someone will 'look down' on us for being holy, that we miss the opportunities to be a blessing and a miracle for someone else. It's shameful. 

But I know we can do better. We have already proven it of late. The number of believers that are fasting and praying like never before has risen to a larger than ever before 'army in the wings'.

Church leadership has awakened to the noise of a restless body of believers that want God for who He is and not some 'smoke and mirrors wizard' that only performs in the mega churches onstage on Sunday on que. The hunger is real and the message is real. "Be ye holy, for I am holy and come ye out from among them (the phony) and serve Me!"

Our time is here ya'll. It's beginning and I want to be a part of the movement back to holiness! Jump in here with me ya'll.

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