Wednesday, February 7, 2024

What are we looking for?

 "I don't see it". 

"Well, it's there, you just aren't looking in the right spot."

How many times have I heard that? It's a common statement. You go to the store and look for a product and for whatever reason, it's just not there. The clerk says it is... they always 'know' don't they? Yeah, right. I spent half an hour in Lowe's one time when the clerk sent me to the back corner of the store on a wild goose chase for a plumbing part that was in the hardware section close to the front all along.

What are we looking for? peace, safety, riches....? Comfort is a nice one. I like to be comfortable.

Our surroundings are closing in on us whether we admit it or not. The influx of millions of people into our country is shrinking the landscape down foot by foot. The rise in costs and crime and pollution and hate and fear and.... you name it, has put everyone on edge. But there is a solution. A simple tried and true method of dispelling all the negatives surrounding our lives and creating a, shall I say it, euphoria. 

It's the presence of the Lord. That's right. Calling on the Master to engulf us in His miraculous peace is only a sentence away. Now I'm not talking about some 'spell' that we conjure up. Nope. It's not some ritual we have to follow by the numbers and chant certain things to 'summon' Him. Nope. None of that garbage works anyway, so why waste your time on what man says to do? Try God's way and get results.

Use your heart to link up with The Great I Am in person. Quit flopping around like a headless chicken and be still for a minute and focus on Him. Think about His presence coming to you like a soft breeze that refreshes and then close your eyes and 'feel'. It's there. It's real. It's always there.

It's as sure as I'm sitting here right now. Imagine getting to be close to the Creator of the universe. The one true God that never sleeps nor slumbers. The only answer you will ever need for the rest of your life. It's magnificent. Once you have experienced His presence you won't settle for anything else. You will want more and more of Him and your life will take on a whole new meaning and purpose. Things will begin to fall into place and your life will make sense; the kind of sense that propels you forward like a mighty rushing wind into success and joy and inner resolve to 'complete' your life the way God planned it all along.

Whew, that was a mouthful. I had to stop several times to correct my spelling. My hands were flying over the keys like I might actually know how to type. Ha! (Turtles beat me on a regular basis.)

I can't imagine any other way now. Since the presence of God has become  such an important part of living, I sense His presence around me even when I don't make a concerted effort to 'go there".

The omnipresence thing He has is real. He's everywhere at the same time if that makes any sense whatsoever. Knowing this can really be a good thing if you use it. That's the way He planned it. He wants 'company' too. He made us to be a companion. 

I hope I haven't run anyone off with my rambling tirade. I get excited sometimes ya know.

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