Thursday, June 15, 2023

Deckside chat

Good morning. I spent the better part of two hours today setting up my automatic dictation software. I think I'm really going to like this. If you haven't ever tried it, it would probably be a good idea to go slowly at first and watch the tutorials and then dive in. It certainly makes the work easier.

This morning was kind of special to me, I was up a little early. I normally sleep in but this morning I was awake at 6 o'clock.

I came out onto the deck and heard numerous birds; different species that were singing in a symphony of birds. I marveled at how the Lord makes music. There is music in the rustling of the leaves, the sounds of motors passing by, the birds singing in 10-part harmony. So many sounds with so many frequencies and all in perfect tune.

That seems to be the way God does things. He puts everything in order, perfect order, and then proceeds to create from there. The melodies are extravagant and far above our weak human abilities, but nonetheless very beautiful.

Just now I'm wondering how we get so far out of tune? How do we get things so jumbled up and turned around and dislocated? It seems to be a common human trait for the most part.

But God never sounds out of tune. He never seems dislocated or clumsy. He's always graceful and melodic in what He does.

"The Bible says that our steps are " ordered by the Lord". That means we can walk in perfect harmony, perfect step with Him and never miss a step. That has to be awesome. I long for the time when I'm in perfect step with Him. I know I get 'lost' sometimes in my own thoughts and desires, but I somehow seem to 'come back around' and listen for His words and look for Him in his word.

Our troubles are 'light afflictions' as it says in the Word, but to some they weigh a ton or more and are forever holding us back from real blessings and peace.

So how do we 'get back' to peace and tranquility? It may not be as hard as some visualize in their minds. A practiced 'letting go' is essential to finding your peace. 

When you can't do anything about the situation, relax and hand it off to God. That's where we too often fail to start. If we begin by asking God to guide us and show us 'His" way, we ultimately get to a good final result and more often than not it's faster God's way.

 We have settled in nicely and feel as though this is "home"; but it's. not.

Our journey will continue. Who knows what will happen next? God of course. I will be sad to have to go 'home' after this excellent week of glorious surroundings, but it has to happen to get to the 'next step'.

Hold fast to the pleasant things and disregard the bad things my friends. Life is far too short to try and sort through all the 'clutter' the world hurls our way. Your life will be so much the better for doing so and those around you will notice and follow suit. Perhaps

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