Sunday, June 11, 2023

It's a beautiful Sunday morning. The sun is just now rising, and the coolness of the morning is a pleasant feeling indeed.

We have come to the lake on a working holiday and things could not be any better. Our little trailer is equipped with all the amenities and the view is spectacular. 

I normally sleep till after 9 and have to drag myself out of bed and to the coffee pot. Not this morning. I felt refreshed and calm. It's very nice. Thank you, Lord.

How often do we get so caught up in the day-to-day activities that we miss the pleasant surroundings and a chance for an encounter with the Creator. I am looking forward to my prayer time for the first time in a long time. Sad to say, right? Although it's hard to admit, I find a bit of satisfaction in confessing my short comings. We all too often try to hide the things we deem unpleasant or embarrassing and try to make our 'profile' a positive picture. However, I think spiritual health is an important component and I am working on my 'profile' a lot more of late.

No one wants to look bad in the eyes of friends and family, or anyone else for that matter, but an honest look in the mirror is in order here and I want to be as candid as possible; clearing the decks so to speak.

"Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." James 5:16

Is confession really good for the soul? I think so. The weight of carrying around a bunch of negative baggage is such an abhorrent picture. I wouldn't wish that on my enemies. We are supposed to be free and happy and filled with all sorts of joy and peace and contentment. That's what God designed in the beginning. Imagine Adam walking with God Himself in the garden of Eden. Things can't get any better than that.

And so, here I am enjoying this terrific cup of fresh ground and contemplating what will happen next. Thank you, Lord. You are so awesome. You have greatly increased my faith these past few days. 

We had been 'waiting' for the answer to a major prayer and for once, I hadn't given up and tossed in the towel. I had stayed with the belief that God would come through and of course He did. How can we doubt Him? His mercy and kindness so outweighs the mundane everyday operations of life. We think so much smaller than He does. Why is that? Over and over again He validates His word and orchestrates the outcomes of millions with the gentle movement of His hand. I marvel.

Take some time to talk to Him today. You will be so much better for the effort. God never misses a chance to bless.

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