Thursday, June 22, 2023

 Lake time is ending 

Well, here we go again. I just dictated about a page and a half to my dictation program and tried to transfer it and it got erased. 

I'm still having a little trouble with Dragon. I am mostly blaming the headphones that we shall see if I can master this little program make use of it in the future. 

We will be heading back to Oklahoma City tomorrow. I have so enjoyed our time at the Lake with Dianna. She has had to work almost every day during this two-week period, with frustrating issues that I know have stressed her out but overall, it has been wonderful. 

I have really enjoyed my time with the Lord as well. He has given us five new songs since we arrived, and I have spent quite a bit of time in the Word. The Holy Spirit has been teaching me quite a bit. I have never been a very good student, but with God’s help, I know I can learn what I need to and be effective in the work he has for us to do. 

The progress on the new house has slowed down a little bit but I know that everything is going to be done in God’s time not mine. We have several ideas that we would like to do to make the house even better and more comfortable, but there again, things take time and we will have to be patient. 

Di wants to install an island in the kitchen and create more cabinet space for all of her pots and pans and dishes. We would also like to improve the deck and screen it in to keep out the bugs. That will greatly improve the quality of life as well as the value of the house. 

There are a lot of things going on at church. We are seeing a lot of people in trouble. We have been praying for them, knowing that God will step in and help. This world is growing worse by the day. So many troubled people that have no answers and no resources. It’s sad. Just like the Bible says,” the fields are white with harvest.” They seemingly have no way to go, nowhere to turn, no spiritual knowledge that can help them save themselves. It’s pretty clear that those of us that have faith in God are finding the answers to life’s problems, while those that do not, are not making it very far without failing. 

Some might say that’s an egotistical statement, but I beg to differ. Those of us that have been forgiven much understand how God’s love can cure and heal and yes, even say lives. we have come through death-defying circumstances and lived. I know that it wasn’t by anything that I did, it was most certainly the hand of God in my case; firsthand knowledge. I marvel at the mercy that God has shown me after all the things I’ve done. He is kind, He is loving, He is merciful, and He is always there for me. There is nothing better than that. 

Well, I have struggled with this dictation program long enough. I will close for now and post again after our return to the city. 

God bless you all. 

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