Friday, June 2, 2023


The battlefield of the mind.

Do you find yourself looking into the past and not pleased with the result? Have you been plagued with 'memories' that are both unpleasant and degrading? I know all too well what the past can 'conjure up'. Our thoughts have a way of drifting around in our heads and 'condemning' us for whatever reason. And if you linger on the past, you will be bombarded with the negative and only slightly impressed with the positive. Our lives continually change day by day, but the memories stay the same. We either did a 'good job' or we didn't and that's the rub. Do you consider yourself a good person or a bad person?

Well, here's another part of the equation. How did you 'grade' your experiences? If you believe you are a good person you will have a positive outlook. But on the other hand, if you think you are a bad person your outlook will be negative with more backward thinking than forward thinking. That can send us into a tailspin of sorts. Most call it depression, but I call it 'attacks'.

However, I have good news. We can overcome even the heaviest of encounters with the negative forces by implementing a very simple fix. There is peace with God. There is healing with God. As a matter of fact, there is no peace without God. God invented peace.

I know some of you are questioning this in the strongest of terms. Someone that has experienced this peace can attest to the validity of my point, while nonbelievers will totally discard this truth as 'religion'. This truth is far from religion. It is reality in its finest form.

Our lives are ruled by laws. Laws that were put into place from the beginning. God designed and implemented these laws (truths), so that we could build on the design making it better and better as time continues. The Creator is still creating, still improving, still repairing 'the 'breach'.  The breach happened when Adam took a bite of that damned apple. 

In order to succeed, we just have to follow 'the plan' and keep in touch with our Creator. After all, He made us to be companions not robots or slaves. God wants a 'family' not a work force. Only man defines our relationship with God as slavery. God calls us 'His children'. How wonderful is that? How great is the 'upside' to having a personal connection with the one that made all of this? We are missing out on a lot of good things by disregarding this all-important truth.

The machine of the mind can be tuned to hear the Master. If we focus on Him and disregard all 'the clatter' and misinformation the evil one throws at us, distracting us, how much better is that than self-condemnation and guilt? Wow. We can begin and enjoy a close personal relationship with the great Creator of the universe. Think about it. How powerful is this? We actually have access to God; real access, not having to 'go through' another person to communicate. We just 'talk' to God, enjoy the Father for who He is and reap the multiple benefits and blessings His way presents. Think about it. Yes, really; think about it and then make the move in God's direction. Focus on Him and only Him and see for yourself.

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