Monday, June 19, 2023

The deck in all its splendor

 I think we are moving right into summer. Temps last week were very nice, but once I stepped onto the deck this morning, I knew it was going to be a warmer day. They come and we get closer and closer to the fan. I still like it out here on the deck more than being in the air-conditioned house.

I finished "Simple Man" about 6:30 this morning. I woke up about 5 something and knew I had to work on it. It wouldn't let me sleep. Some songs are like that. They run over and over in my mind until I have to sit down with them and 'wrestle' with the words. Sometimes I win and sometimes I don't.

It bothers me when I can't finish a song. I feel like I've let someone down. It's like I know the song is for a person or persons going through what the song describes and I have failed to get the message to them to ease their mind and take some of the load off.

But when I finish one and 'the bumps' pop up, I know I'm on the right track. The words come together and 'melt' into a form and make sense and 'sing' to me like I'm in the audience listening to a concert.

I love the way God 'orchestrates' our lives. It's like a human symphony of movement and sound and energy, making things happen as we go along. God is the perfect guide showing us through His 'garden of creation' and to where the best spots are; to best enjoy the experience. The lame theme parks can't come close to the experience I just had watching a small bird landing on a branch about 6 feet away. She was pruning herself and flexing her wings and I could see the vivid colors God used to paint her. The mere thought of making something so tiny and yet so perfect and alive. The wonders of the Lord never cease.

I'm looking at 4 more days after today before we pack up and move on. This has been such an invigorating experience. I wish everyone could do this. I think of the many children throughout the land, even the world, that are 'locked away' in some sort of 'jail' to where they can't get out and see the birds and squirrels and deer feeding and walking calmly about as though nothing in the world is wrong or a danger.

Our excursion yesterday took us along the Illinois River, up and down winding roads with grand vistas and the extraordinary homes perched on top of the mountains looking out over the valley below with the river tracing it's way downstream. We stopped along the way where the bluffs rose 30 or 40 feet in the air, all but covering the road, and watched the water running off of the rocks in little streams.

We took pictures of the falling sun as it disappeared on the west side of the lake behind the tree line, leaving a golden carpet of reflection on the water until it was no more. The lapping waves sang to us until we left to go back to the house and rest, a long day indeed.

Today is another workday for Dianna. She is finally getting some resolutions to some of the tangled mess of the bookkeeping the previous person left her. We know now why she left so abruptly. People are so predictable. Their attempts to do things 'the easy way' always comes back to bite them in the end. There is no way but the right way to do a task. If you can't do it, don't. Just own up to your shortcomings before disaster strikes and hurts those around you. I know, easier said than done, huh?

We are listening to the afternoon 'concert' here on the deck. Birds in every direction are chiming in to express their opinions and adding to the multitude of sounds. I should try to record it but the mic won't pick up much of the 'songs' and it would lose all of it's essence in translation. What a pity. This would make great 'sleeping music'.

I changed strings earlier. The sound is significantly better. I didn't realize how worn out they actually were. So much the better for me. I can't handle out of tune music. It's like chalk on a chalkboard grating on my nerves. It actually makes me shudder... unless its a little kid. I don't know what it is about children singing. They can be 3 or 4 tones off and I still think it's good. Go figure. I love to see them making the effort.

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