Saturday, June 10, 2023

The Truth is always the Truth 

The Truth is always the truth. No matter what else is said or done, the truth will always be the same. A lie will never be the truth; it can’t be. It will always be false in one way or another no matter how it’s displayed or said or implied. 

The evil one uses lies as a starting point in any discussion. If he can sway you with a partial truth, he can manipulate you. The advantage is then on his side, and you become confused because you reason that there is ‘some truth’ in what is being said, so how can I go wrong? However, the problem with that is that the half- truth, or partial truth has a lie imbedded in it, making it a lie and therefore, it can’t be truth. This in and of itself can be confusing but there is a clear point to my offering here.  

I truly believe that most everyone wants to believe the truth, but sadly what is often presented is not always “the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" that comes out of someone’s mouth.  

As I said, “a lie is a lie and always will be. Truth is the truth and always will be.” Logic can cause us to stumble over situations like these and wrestle with the matter until things get frustrating; even maddening. So, discernment is the better road to travel when determining what is truth and what is a lie. 

Example. A friend tells you that he doesn’t have the money he owes you because he hasn’t been paid for a certain job he did. However, you are aware that he just bought something expensive and paid cash. Do you think he lied? Did he have money from somewhere else perhaps? Maybe he had a savings account that he used to save up for the item? After all, this is a ‘friend’ we’re talking about. Friends don’t lie, do they? Your friend promised to pay you as soon as he got some money.  

There are a lot of questions here that have to do with truth. We have to be able to discern the truth and separate it from lies, so that misunderstandings not unlike the example above doesn’t ruin our friendships unnecessarily. Lies can ruin lives altogether if we’re not careful. 

Dianna told me something that sticks with me to this day and has become a staple in my thinking. She said, “If you don’t know the truth you can’t recognize the lie.” It was insight from the Lord she received when she was concentrating on Him and spending time in His presence. 

Our lives are difficult enough without lies entering in and causing hate and mistrust and division. We must surely be on guard for the enemies’ attempts to distract us and divert us from our callings.  

Psalms 14:12 “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, But the end thereof are the ways of death.” 

The lies we tell will always come back to haunt us unless we repent of them and follow after the truth. “You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free”, often comes to mind when I think about truth. This scripture has probably saved millions from a horrible end, but only because they followed the Word’s instruction. 

Seek truth. It will always be truth and it will never deceive you or take you in the wrong direction. 

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