Thursday, June 1, 2023

 Dry Bones Ezekiel 37:1-14 

God talked to Ezkiel. He showed him people that weren’t doing anything. A lot of people doing absolutely nothing. They were ill equipped, with no resources, no hope, no life, no joy. 

Speaking God’s words instills life and joy and peace and health; adding courage to seemingly impossible situations. 

How long had the bones been lying there? Where did they come from? 

Did someone place the bones there? 

God’s word is life. Speaking the Word initiates action and drives purpose into others lifeless situations bringing hope and energy into play. It pleased God to restore the bones. He’s the positive in negative settings. Don’t throw away opportunities that God presents to you. Be ready to act when God is on the move. 

God added sinew and skin to the bones; still dead, and then breathed life into them. The resources are all around us. We just have to gather them. Prayer is the classroom of the spirit. We learn by listening, not by talking. When God is ready, action takes place. ‘The noise’ is the manifestation process beginning. Listen for ‘the noise’. 

When things happen it’s because God is showing himself to us. He’s making ‘noise,’ sounds, actions, He’s creating. He becomes evident; visible to the spiritual eye, proving himself to be real and effective and ‘now’. God is all about now. 

God does things in ‘His time,’ on time, all the time. 

He always shows up. He always shows out. He always shows us who He is; no disguises, no tricks, no “magic”. Reality that is easy to see; sometimes hard to understand. 

Why does God do what He does? Because He wants to. No one makes God do anything. It’s only because He wants to. He wants us to see Him as He is. The Father, The Healer, The Counselor, The Friend, The Advocate, The Answer to every situation in any and every circumstance. 

Lack of use leaves us dry and rusty and out of practice. Apathy and laziness create dry bones. Running out of oil and burns up ‘the engine’ which then has to be rebuilt. New rings, new pistons, new this, new that, and most of all a lot of work to get it back together. 

Dry bones have to have sinew and skin to hold them together just like your spirit man has to have The Word and faith to hold it in the right position. Dry bones also have to breathe to be alive and productive, just as the spirit man has to have the anointing of The Holy Spirit to ‘breathe’. 

And so, what begins the ‘rebuilding process’ in you; the revival as it were? Your hunger. A hunger for new and better things in your life. A hunger for forgiveness of sin. A hunger for peace and safety. Any number of things can ‘spark’ the renewal process; the revival. Revival is re-energizing something. Bringing new life into the picture and mobilizing it to the extent that it takes on new life. 


Are you feeling ‘dry’, used up, tired, worn out, old, unhappy, misused, out of touch, bored, left out, cheated, betrayed, lonely, angry, frustrated, unappreciated, mistreated and guilty? Then you’re ‘dry’. Yes, the list is long. There are a lot of people with some or nearly all of those symptoms. You need an ‘oil change’, a refreshing, a renewal, a tune up, a purpose, a goal, a reason to go on, a change of heart, a step in the right direction, an encouraging word, a hug, a kick in the pants, a soft touch, a new outlook, a fresh word from the Lord, a quiet moment alone with Him so you can hear His voice again... calling to you. 

It’s not so hard; ‘the getting dry’. However, it’s sometimes difficult to recover, especially if you’re alone. Perhaps you have withdrawn from the people around you. That’s a device the evil one uses on us to get us away from others of like faith. If he can separate us ‘from the herd’ he can ‘take us down’ like a wolf does a deer or another kind of animal that gathers in groups. 

We must have each other to survive and grow. We must have God to guide and teach us how to succeed in life. That’s the way it was set up; the way God planned things in the very beginning. 

“Dry bones, dry bones, can you hear the spirit moan...” That’s a line from one of our songs. It depicts a person that has been discouraged and is in need of help. Don’t wait. Get up before you fall asleep for good and miss out on the Spirit realm! 

God is on the move people, and ready to do great things but He needs us to do the work. God needs our hands and minds to accomplish the tasks ahead. There are still a lot of people out there that don’t know about God’s love. They don’t know about God’s mercy and forgiveness. A lot of people out there are guilt ridden and thinking that there is no forgiveness for the things they have done, but that’s a lie from the pit of Hell. God always forgives. He doesn't see us as we are because God cannot look upon sin. He sees us through the blood of Jesus and thinks of us as His little children that are need of His help and guidance.  

Don’t let your past mistakes ‘take you down’. Get them behind you and look forward, not back. God is waiting to lift you up and out of the dry places and into the beautiful realm of His gdreat love. 

God wants the very best for us. That’s how He designed the world we live in. Man is the one that messed it up in the Garden of Eden and yet, God made a way for us to escape the death we deserve, and restore us to His presence, His right standing, His forgiveness. 

Yes, God wants the very best for us; no seconds, no hand me downs, only new life, new creations, new ideas, new anointing, new joy, new beginnings.... 

God isn’t into ‘dry bones’. 

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