Saturday, April 27, 2024

Watching the skies

 I've been seeing more and more clouds moving in and out of our area today. The weather threat are high for severe thindwerstorms and possible tornadoes. It's that time of the year again. We tend to get  lot more coverage by the weatgher guys as well. They are all vying for our favor as they hype the reports with ominous sentences and wild gestures. It would be funny except for the chancxe of them being right is very high and I would hate for anyone to get hurt because they didn't see what was coming in thier direction in time.

We act out or lives like the weather. What seems possible doesn't always materialize and yet there are those times when things get tough and we find ourselves in trouble. Is it our fault or are we just targets ripe for the taking by the enemies of our souls. I loathe the way people treat each other. The hate is so real today. When I was young our neighbors all knew each other and cared for each other and protected each other. Now a days, the neighbors are strangers for the most part; less apt to help when issues approach because they don't want to 'get involved'.  Is getting involved so bad? It certainly can be, but we are told in the Word to do just that; get involved and help each other in time of need. It doesn't have to be a crisis. It can just be something as easy as holding the ladder for someone so they don't fall and hurt themselves cleaning out a stopped up gutter. That used to be a common thing; the 'helping'. Not anymore. Our lives have turned inward and guarded. We put up barriers that separate us from one another in order to seclude our lives into nice neat compartments of safety. That shuts us off from life in general. No interaction, no learning what the other is thinking or feeling or trying to accomplish. How sad.

I find the outgoing person a lot more interesting than the introvert. The gregarious person lifts others up in spirit. The introvert drags others down and 'leeches' the life out of the room with the negativity. It's alright to be timid but it's not alright to hold back feelings and opinions when it comes to healthy relationships. We must be more open and honest about our interactions and intentions. If the truth is foremost, the environment is  more 'open' and fresh and  capable of producing a positive outcome in our dialogs with each other. "Communication is the key!"

I look to the skies for what may be coming. Inside, I look to the 'skies' to see what is coming as well. A healthy relationship with God can keep the lines of communication open and fresh. We have to have that to survive in the current conditions we find ourselves. Danger is all around and it can take a terrible turn in a moment's notice. No warning, just sudden attacks of debilitating force designed to crush us; crush our spirit; crush our progress and momentum. Don't go about life in a stupor, keep on the look out for those 'fiery darts' coming your way because they will come.  Be ready and knock them down like you would an errant baseball coming your way suddenly out of the blue. Keep watching.

Thursday, March 7, 2024

Reaching but not there yet

 The overcast day brings on a moody atmosphere. I'm expecting showers later along the coolness the wet blanket of water brings as it lays across the yard and taps it's melodies on the roof above. How do we get along without the rain? It simply isn't possible. The nourishment to our souls is enough to long for it all the more.

Di 'talks' to me as she rides along across the city. I relish our verbal jousts and quips over the phone.  Siri interprets, sometimes, and we go back and forth for most of her trip. Her remarkable mind never ceases to please me. I love her so. I can always depend on her honesty even if I don't want to hear it at the time. I have the 'nail marks' of her sharp tongue on my mind, but it makes me a better man and I need that. Do we look for the easy way out or do we invite the battle and test our mental and spiritual strength against whatever 'enemy' we are jousting with at the moment? Erin Reagan from Blue Bloods said, "I like a good fight". I think I do as well; as she does. It knocks the rust off the bone and clears the muddled air in the brain forming fresh 'fodder' to fight over.

I have applied for several voice over jobs online recently. I would like to try my hand at it and get paid for doing what I so love to do for a change. Not much better incentive than money, 'eh what'! I get a tremendous amount of please, sure, from the videos and songs and promos, but it hasn't been very lucrative. Pray for me.

I think the tide is turning. I await the State of the Union Address in a little under an hour. We are really in trouble. 

(2 hours later)

The tone of the speech didn't surprise me much. It's easy to recognize ego when it's so evident. I could never understand how people could so easily lie with a straight face, but this man is practiced and determined and even lethal in his intentions. There's no wonder so many of our spiritual leaders are up in arms. I believe the devastation  has gone on long enough that things must and will change. The pendulum is beginning its move in the other direction now. God has been plain with His warnings. His Word does not return void and His way will can and will be made evident soon. We need to make sure we are on the right side of all of this or suffer the consequences of our own actions. Praying and fasting has never been more needed than it is now. 

Gather together my friends and pray for each other. Our fate is in our own hands now. The evil that men do is out in the open now and barely clothed with a thin veil of deceit. Even the most ignorant are saying, "Look... the Emperor has no clothes!".

Monday, February 26, 2024

'weather or not'...

 We all to often mistake the words someone says for something entirely different. 'Whether or not' we understand the words being spoken determine our frame of mind toward the speaker. My hearing has declined in recent years so I have a unique view when it comes to the spoken word, especially if the words displayed are contrary to what I hear. Common mistake among the elder generation as you know. However, sometimes it might have been better if what I thought I heard was the case instead of the actual. Our society is quickly declining in 'the spoken word'. We text a few letters and that substitutes for an actual sentence. How do ya'll keep up with all of that new lingo anyway? I'm confused.

 'I've fallen and I can't get up!' I long for the long conversations that used to occur out in the backyard over a cold glass of Lipton's with fresh mint. Of course, I remember things in a softer light than I did back then. For the most part, I was on the go and seldom still enough for those 'conversations' but I do recall those comfortable times.

We had a visitor today. Her trip was a welcomed occasion because she always brings wisdom and knowledge with her to share. Her ministry helps so many. I wish more people were aware of her gift and take advantage of it. Knowledge is so undervalued, especially life changing knowledge. I am in awe of the things people know. Truly a gift, the talents rests on them like a warm blanket in the winter time. Having the advantage of knowing what to do saves more lives than we know. God spreads His gifts about with a simple grace and those with a gift often don't realize just how many benefit.

Dianna is one of those 'gifted' people. Her gifts  and talents are many and yet, she acts as though it's no big thing. She just 'does' and praises others over her own accomplishments. What a marvelous trait. So 'whether or not' you recognize the talents and gifts of those around you, it's well worth stopping occasionally to look around you and see how many talented people you know... and love

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Stepping into the moment...

 How often do we peer into the future looking for what's next? Is that even [possible? I think so, because we aren't complete and we need to know what's coming. That's discernment of which I am sorely lacking. I marvel at Dianna. She 'sees'. She has a spiritual bloodhound nose. She can 'smell out' the unrighteous. What a gift. It's second nature to her now after all this time climbing up into the lap of the Lord and listening to His marvelous voice speak to her. Whether she's asleep or awake I don't know. She just knows that she knows that she knows and that's it.

We just finished a short sabbatical at our son's house. He moved to the lake a few years ago and set up his 'sane place', where he thrives against all odds with his beautiful wife. They are growing old together, a trait quickly becoming a lost art, especially in the United States. More and more people are 'canceling' each other and moving into a world filled with self. Sad, but true. The lake house provides a wide range of activities for them and the companionship of like minded couples residing in a picturesque setting, envied by countless city dwellers unable to escape their dreary lives. 

No one seems satisfied anymore. "If I only had..." And when they get whatever it was they thought they wanted, they  move on to the next 'shiny object' on the want list and grumble until they get it. 'Children in the wilderness syndrome', seldom if ever satisfied with what they have already been given. I am reminded of the scripture that says God gives to the worthy and the unworthy alike.

I'll see the cardiologist in about an hour. I'll fill you in on what he thinks even though I don't put much faith in what he has to offer. Some of these guys are brilliant, yes, but they are so 'lost' in their own importance, they totally miss how far down on the totem they are in comparison to the 'Creator'. Why do so many perch themselves above their station and crow like the rooster until someone notices? A sad world, but, we don't have to stay here much longer.

Just got a picture of a close friend standing with Lance Wallnau at a conference. She so deserves recognition for her ministry. Her work is totally from the heart. I will share more about her in future postings. We are working together on things in Uganda where she has been serving as a missionary for some time now.

The passing of time has shown the various pathways the Lord leads us through. I continually marvel at His workmanship and mercy. Most people would have dropped me from their 'group' a long time ago, especially with my track record, but not Him. Evidently, He sees something there and keeps on keeping on with me. I'm still here. Praise God.

Now I begin to see better.... farther. I am looking for the middle of His will now. I used to be okay with the fringes, but not now. I have felt the tremendous energy of being in the center of His will. The guidance and the surging and the palatable 'realness'. His hand has a 'feel' to it. I am recognizing that now. The Master's touch... "The Jesus Touch" as the song says.

I want to ask everyone a favor. I'm experiencing some internal issues and I want to be able to serve in a larger capacity than I have been, but that takes energy and stamina. I need prayer. So... if you are so inclined, please lift me up to the Master for some healing and restoration here. Thank you

Tomorrow is another day. I know we aren't guaranteed another day here on earth, but if we should be granted that marvelous gift, I pray that my contributions will bring glory to Him in ways that others will be encouraged to offer to Him and for Him as well. Our time is short you know. I know, that's been a byword for a long time but if you aren't feeling it too, I recommend a sabbatical, taking time to concentrate fully on Father and His desires for your life. He never leaves us without a task. "Idle hands are the devil's workshop" as they say and I for one certainly do not want to play into the hands of that evil corrupter; do you? No. You don't.

I have to go outside now. Temps are in the low 70's with little to no wind.... perfect for some easy yard work and exercise. Ta ta

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Aspirations of a generation

 We are so far down the ladder of creativity it doesn't even show up on the scale. I look at a tree. Every one of them is different you know, just like we are, and I see yet another thing of beauty and grace. How it lives, how it moves in the breeze, how it grows each day and records the moment in the center of its being, which can be read like a cylindrical book. 

Is it my ego that makes it so important to me that I invest so much of my time in frivolous things? And here I am thinking my sad little project is so beautiful. How droll.

Hello everyone. How's your day? I slept all the way through the night once again, except for the mandatory trip to the 'wee room'. It's been more than a week that this miracle has gone on. Before, I would sleep for a while and then suddenly I'm wide awake and restless, ready to be up, ready to fill my senses with, well, anything that will help put me back to sleep, so I don't have to be involved. Why is it we covet sleep instead of reality? Is it a coping mechanism to disengage somehow and think about 'nothing'? Some call it depression. I call it wasting time for no good reason. My selfishness.

Let's go one step more. Why do we so value what we think? Are we all so 'brilliant' that we always have to have something of the 'utmost importance' going on that we miss the tell-tale signs of God trying to get our attention so He can 'be with us'? Probably. By the way, He is ever so much more interesting than we are. The best company ever!

I aspire to do 'thus' and then devote a huge amount of time to it. Then, after a while the importance drains out of the subject like water out of a bag and I'm left 'dangling' in space, looking for the next 'world shaking event' to come to mind so I can feel important about what I'm doing again. 

"Oh, wretched man that I am..." We torment ourselves with the disappointment of unfinished works and wonder why we're so stressed out all the time. 

"Dang, pass the bottle, I need another swig; how bout you?" Want some cheese with that whine?

Normalcy, what is normalcy? We pick the most outrageous things to get involved in and then wonder why we wander. The never-ending search for the already answered questions. How childish. Not childlike, childish. Maturity is such a relative term anymore. I know young children with more maturity than some of our most revered statesmen. The cancer of greed has metastasized in their hearts and is slowly killing their soul with guilt from the inside out. The torment of their evident 'crimes' haunts them and ages them and shows up in the way the look. Their countenance betrays them.

My friend told me that he reads my blog. I was instantly flattered. Why? I don't consider myself that good a writer. I am just 'venting' in my own way. Just 'letting my hair down'; not that I have that much of it left anymore.

I think 'inventions', whether realized or unrealized make for a much better surrounding, especially in our minds. We wouldn't be hurting others so much or destroying things as though they aren't impoprtant if we concentrated on them instead of what seems to make us happy and doesn't. 

'Everyone matters', no matter what the signs say to the contrary.

My 'visibility' is limited. I can only see so far. The rest of it isn't there. Really? How narrow of me. There ARE things out there all the time that I don't see. I'm talking about seeing with my spiritual eyes, just like the song says. Spiritual eyes that have no limits or confinements. The walls we build aren't always meant to keep things out. We keep things in as well. 

Draw a line in the sand. How long does it last? Is it about to 'rain' and wash the line away? Have we carved it deep enough to outlast the onslaught meant to erase it? Or have we only 'scratched' the line in the hard surface of life in a moment of weakness, using the excuse that 'it wasn't meant to be after all', when it disappears from sight and follows in the pathway of forgetfulness and regret that we keep as a 'get out of jail free card' in our mind, for times like this? Whew! That was a long sentence, even for me. More venting?

I wish I could read between the lines in my own mind and get past the confusing parts to the place where idea meets inspiration and putting it into play becomes a reality. Call me lazy, but I've never been good at waiting and it hasn't served me well at all. 

"Wait before the Lord and He will renew your strength..." Of course, I'm paraphrasing. Isn't that exactly how we exonerate ourselves? We use 'convenient scriptures' to 'get out of jail' and soothe our wounded egos. Somebody else is always to blame, it's never our fault. We're innocent children of God and 'Daddy will get me out of trouble'...won't He?

Mark my words, underline them if you will, our mistakes always come back to haunt us. There's a 'register' of events and God knows every one of them by heart. Our redemption, the erasure if you will, is only triggered by forgiveness. The only way to erase the 'hard drive' is by way of the cross. The only way out of the confines of the tunnel of sin and self-destruction is by way of the cross. 

"I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes unto the Father but by me." There's no way around the truth. Our only salvation is to go 'through the blood of the Lamb and the word of our own testimony'.

 We have to be there to do it. We can't send someone else in our place, that's already been done. We have to face the reality of it ourselves and surrender 'body, mind and soul' to the Creator that designed it all, that's how it works.

Such a simple explanation for such a complex situation. God knew what He was doing from the beginning. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

When the light comes on.

 What's the best way to know you are on 'the right track'? 

"What right track?"

God answers in His time and we are obedient to wait on Him. Or not.

You've asked for something that is important to you and you are waiting for the answer...

Again, how do you know you're on the right track?

That's a huge question for many of us. Our minds wander about the universe looking for answers. We often search everywhere but in the right place. Often times the answer has already been given and yet, we keep looking as though it hasn't appeared. 'It's not there cause I can't see it!' We are still spiritually blind in so many areas. Our limited minds try to understand the workings of God when He made it easy for us if we just 'follow'. It's our faith that 'catches us up' to the level of God's ways. "Without faith, it is impossible to please Him." We don't have to know about a thing unless He wants so show it to us. We only need to trust that it is being taken care of already. "Your faith has made you whole."  

That's body, mind and soul whole. That takes a lifetime.

In our finite minds we think we have to be in control and always know what's going on around us. God didn't make us the boss. He made us companions. There's a distinct difference. As companions we are supposed to interact with Him. 'Commune' with Him. That's short for communication, which is a more technical term. God's already taken care of the technical things. We are supposed to relax and 'be'. "Be of good cheer, I have overcome the world."

God 'makes things happen' and He 'allows things to happen'. Oh yes, God uses us for certain things but He's driving, He's in control. We are the passengers. We get to see His glory like a huge panoramic view as we 'ride along' the highway of life with Him. He loves it when He gets to chose the location and the destination. He wants to show us new and exciting things, wonders if you will. But like my little brother once said as we traveled through a beautiful New Mexico forest on vacation from our treeless West Texas flatland, after Nanny said, "O what a beautiful sight", he said, "I can't see nothin' for all these trees!

Why not enjoy the ride? Why not let go and let God? That's been the plan all along, hasn't it?

God made all of this, we didn't. God selected the time of our arrival and the time of our departure, so why get in the way and mess things up so He has to step in and 'fix it' all the time? "I have come to give you life, and that more abundantly."

I digress. 

This world is not our home. God made a 'testing ground' for us here to 'practice on' before we get the 'home run play' He designed in the beginning. Does Garden of Eden ring any bells? That's the end game if you will. If we can get it into our thick skulls that God isn't trying to 'burn' everybody, it might serve as a good sign that He's only trying to make things better. He's doing everything He can to 'show us the way'. As His children, He's 'trying to 'love us' into the kingdom. 'His burden is light, His yoke is easy'. We're the ones that make things hard. We turn and twist and manipulate and connive and grumble and act like the children in the wilderness, which is what we are really.

We're in a wilderness of sin and perversion and we wonder why things are bad. We're in a quagmire of lust and greed and selfishness and we wonder why we don't succeed. It's too easy. We're looking for the Hollywood version of life which is so phony it hurts, when we could enjoy the supernatural, mind blowing reality of what God wants for us. I don't get it. And I know I'm part of the problem! I haven't spoken up enough or lived a holy enough life for people to see God's real power in action. That's why people hate Christians.

We hide our beliefs, scared of someone seeing us as a Cristian and are so worried that someone will 'look down' on us for being holy, that we miss the opportunities to be a blessing and a miracle for someone else. It's shameful. 

But I know we can do better. We have already proven it of late. The number of believers that are fasting and praying like never before has risen to a larger than ever before 'army in the wings'.

Church leadership has awakened to the noise of a restless body of believers that want God for who He is and not some 'smoke and mirrors wizard' that only performs in the mega churches onstage on Sunday on que. The hunger is real and the message is real. "Be ye holy, for I am holy and come ye out from among them (the phony) and serve Me!"

Our time is here ya'll. It's beginning and I want to be a part of the movement back to holiness! Jump in here with me ya'll.

Saturday, February 17, 2024


"Sometimes there's just not enough rocks" (Forrest Gump)

We often make ourselves the victim by not being prepared. How else do we get into so many odd predicaments and wonder how we got there? It's certainly not the law of averages that brings us to our knees. It has to be an attack of some sort. Do we bring it on ourselves by our own actions or there is a 'plot' to take us down. Either way we are in trouble, right? Right. God doesn't 'bring evil' into our lives, He protects us from the evil. However, our free will gets us into more disconcerting situations than we can count because we haven't yet learned how to be 'perfect' like Jesus. He's the only one that was so far and there's a big chance that record will stand.
How do we get past the starting gate on heading toward perfection? I would first go to the 'owner's manual' for a reference. God's Word does have a bearing on all of this, after all, so we might just 'take a little stroll' through the pages and see if we can come up with any evidence on my theory.

For all have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23
For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. II Cor. 4:17-18
That's a good start.
How else can we get past the influx of the often daily onslaught? It does seem to be a 'regular happening'. 
It's like 'someone is out to get me!' ( I laugh)
No, I'm not paranoid, it's just a fact of life. We got handed a world bent on destruction for whatever reason, and we have to learn how to deal with it. We can't always blame it all on Adam and Eve you know. Or can we? After all, they did make a major faux pas didn't they? That's right, blame it on the grand parents. That way they give us a plausible excuse and get out of it too. 
"The snake made me do it!"
That was easy. Right off the bat, a way out. Isn't that what we all do? We look for someone or something else to take the blame for what we've actually done. 
"I didn't do it!" "It was Mikie's fault!" The perfect scapegoat. I could always blame it on my little brother, not that I got away with 'it'. But it did work some of the time.

My premise for 'getting out of it' doesn't hold water in the end. God knows everything. He sees everything. Most of all, He sees the heart and certainly knows the motives.
"For as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he..." Proverbs 23

Now we come to the part where I say something magnanimous and everybody marvels at the insight. Sorry, I don't feel very magnanimous right now. 
The good take away here is that our Father is a loving God and has made a provision for circumstances just like these. Oh the many times I have tried to get out of trouble I created is off the chart. Yup, I'm human. Not a news flash. We all are; I think. Although, I have suspected occasionally that some people I have come into contact with aren't.
The good takeaway here is that the Father has made provisions for exactly what I have been presenting here. Our mistakes/ sins. 
My little children, these things I write to you, so that you may not sin. And if anyone sins, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. 
I John 2:1-3
Yup, a way out. Isn't that just like our Father to have a plan already in place for what He knew we would do.... from the beginning? Perfect.

I saw a movie

 I was unaware that watching a simple movie could be so impactful. I use movies as a distraction. I use movies to unwind. I use movies....

We all too often have a preconceived notion that some things are put in our path to help us relax. But we stress out instead.

 I don't think that now. I think God puts things in our way to make us aware of the  circumstances that are surrounding us, in part, to open our minds to new and exciting things that may inspire us. 

"In the Spirit". What does that even mean? I think we 'christianize' everything and expect the world to just fall into place like they know what we're saying, when they really have no idea what we're saying. It ludicrous. Our belief system has become a program of chess moves. We have to do 'this' to do 'that' and no one remembers why we did 'it' in the first place. No wonder the world doesn't want anything to do with us Christians. We're weird and they understand weird but they don't understand us. What does that tell you?

The clique has run its course. The clique has turned into a gang and the gang has turned into a mob and where does that leave us? No where else to go but down. The bottom. 

At least there's nowhere else to go but up...

We have to stop. The rate of descent is too extreme. The evil one has designed the slope to be so steep we can 't help but fall into the trap. No way but down. I digress. That's down, right?

"Come on man"...."Read the tea leaves"...  it's all in the plan. It's what's 'on tap'. You can't escape the all encompassing, 'all inclusive' rhetoric that's designed to program you. Robot time. Enough!

I wince at the thought of being caught up in the net. My only solace is my faith. I believe and therefore I am. "What a man thinketh in his heart, so is he".

Why does the library have so many books?  That many egos I suppose?

Friday, February 16, 2024

We rest when we can

 The weather is cool and quiet and so calm. The lake has its very own personality. I can envision the words drifting upward into the sun like feathers on the wind. My thoughts are about better days. I haven't felt quite right for a while. The efforts to rise above the attacks aren't winning like they used to. I don't know if it's my age or my mental state. The calm reserve I am used to is interrupted by aches and pains that won't go away. Such is life I suppose. We have to deal with things as they come. I accept that.
How do we overcome adversity? "by the Blood of the Lamb and the Word of our testimony". We have to begin to rely on what the Word says. It's our only solution. The world has, by in large, made up its mind to defy the power of God and build their own 'towers of Babel'. We have to find our own way through the muck into sanity and separation. If we don't get away from the effects of the onslaught we will succumb to the enemy. Guilt by association. Being too close to a fire always leaves the singe of the flames on the not so innocent bystanders. 
He said, "I'm coming back for a bride without spot or blemish", so we better get 'cleaned up' or suffer the consequences. We only have so much time to do so as well. 

Anyone with half a brain can see that something huge is going to happen one way or another and soon. The decline is too steep, too sure and too overwhelming.
"Our lives are not our own".
It's  easy to 'talk' about how much we're doing but 
I'm convinced more than ever, that what is in our hearts will assure our fate.

I wonder just how many actually read this little blog. Whoever you are, thank you.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

What are we looking for?

 "I don't see it". 

"Well, it's there, you just aren't looking in the right spot."

How many times have I heard that? It's a common statement. You go to the store and look for a product and for whatever reason, it's just not there. The clerk says it is... they always 'know' don't they? Yeah, right. I spent half an hour in Lowe's one time when the clerk sent me to the back corner of the store on a wild goose chase for a plumbing part that was in the hardware section close to the front all along.

What are we looking for? peace, safety, riches....? Comfort is a nice one. I like to be comfortable.

Our surroundings are closing in on us whether we admit it or not. The influx of millions of people into our country is shrinking the landscape down foot by foot. The rise in costs and crime and pollution and hate and fear and.... you name it, has put everyone on edge. But there is a solution. A simple tried and true method of dispelling all the negatives surrounding our lives and creating a, shall I say it, euphoria. 

It's the presence of the Lord. That's right. Calling on the Master to engulf us in His miraculous peace is only a sentence away. Now I'm not talking about some 'spell' that we conjure up. Nope. It's not some ritual we have to follow by the numbers and chant certain things to 'summon' Him. Nope. None of that garbage works anyway, so why waste your time on what man says to do? Try God's way and get results.

Use your heart to link up with The Great I Am in person. Quit flopping around like a headless chicken and be still for a minute and focus on Him. Think about His presence coming to you like a soft breeze that refreshes and then close your eyes and 'feel'. It's there. It's real. It's always there.

It's as sure as I'm sitting here right now. Imagine getting to be close to the Creator of the universe. The one true God that never sleeps nor slumbers. The only answer you will ever need for the rest of your life. It's magnificent. Once you have experienced His presence you won't settle for anything else. You will want more and more of Him and your life will take on a whole new meaning and purpose. Things will begin to fall into place and your life will make sense; the kind of sense that propels you forward like a mighty rushing wind into success and joy and inner resolve to 'complete' your life the way God planned it all along.

Whew, that was a mouthful. I had to stop several times to correct my spelling. My hands were flying over the keys like I might actually know how to type. Ha! (Turtles beat me on a regular basis.)

I can't imagine any other way now. Since the presence of God has become  such an important part of living, I sense His presence around me even when I don't make a concerted effort to 'go there".

The omnipresence thing He has is real. He's everywhere at the same time if that makes any sense whatsoever. Knowing this can really be a good thing if you use it. That's the way He planned it. He wants 'company' too. He made us to be a companion. 

I hope I haven't run anyone off with my rambling tirade. I get excited sometimes ya know.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Early... peaceful quiet

 I had slept a good deal of the day away yesterday, so I didn't think I would sleep much last night. However, I made it to 3:30 and got up. I don't know what it is but I haven't felt well for about 3 or 4 days. Nothing specific, just achy and hot and cold. Very irritating to say the least. I wanted to prepare for the Zoom call later today so I made my way to the studio and worked on a monitor issue I have been trying to fix for two days. The attacks are never ceasing now days. I think the enemy thinks he can  'wear us out' and we'll give up. Won't happen. It just serves to increase the resistance. Kinda like the attacks on Trump. The more they pound him the more he rises in the polls and in the hearts of the people. People aren't stupid. The left thinks we are but they are in for a 'lickin' on most issues pretty soon. Blindness is a plague amongst the young and there again, the left thinks they can bully and BS them into going off the deep end. How sad. Our great young are being manipulated. Lord, gives us the insight on how to reach them in love. They deserve better.

I can almost 'smell' Spring coming. The onslaught of birds to the feeders is increasing. The species are increasing and the birdseed is 'flying out of the feeders'. I can't wait to see the 'Hummers'. They are my fav. I love to watch the iridescent feathers change colors in the sun as they buzz about, fighting for a spot at the feeder. It's amazing to see how they maneuver and dodge and dive. God sure does some magnificent things, doesn't He?

I heard a talk on prayer. The concept the lady gave was good. We do need to believe as we pray. Touching the heart of God is easy; He loves us so. It's in the 'believing' that we get the answers. Too many times we 'throw up' a prayer and desperately expect it to be the way we want it. I am hoping for God's way now. The lady explained a little about hope too. We don't hope enough. We don't listen enough. We don't 'seek' like we used to. The 'drive up' mentality is taking over. Some think things should be 'ready on demand' and that's not at all how our Lord works. He wants a 'relationship' built on mutual interaction and not circumstance. He's the one that 'made' all of this. Why don't we rely on the 'Creator' to learn how things work?

Thanks for the 'ear'....

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

 I like the way God does things.... 

Not that it matters what I think. 'His ways are higher than my ways' of course, but it's pleasing to think that I am 'getting it'. I have really enjoyed my prayer time of late. Not that I didn't before, it's just that the 'being closer' factor has increased and there is a lot more 'presence' the closer I get. That equates to more power, more understanding and more of everything else that comes to mind actually. We suffer a lot when we are 'away'. At least I do. I feel lost, not unsaved, just at a loss so to speak. He completes me. Dianna completes me. She always knows what it is about me that makes me 'tick' and that what I think matters. Father is like that as well. It's hard to separate the two. She is so close to Him. You can feel His presence around her at times and I think I'm a little envious of that, but don't tell her.... she'll laugh.

 I went to a prayer meeting last night. It was for an outreach group that has been ongoing for about 10 years now. They formed a group to help feed people and I am amazed at the progress they have attained in that period of time. They have a building now and things in place to help a great deal of the needy in our community and the plans are still growing a more robust game plan as we speak. I admire that "Stick to it-ism" in people. Some give up at the first sign of adversity. These people seem to laugh at that. I see and feel their strength and the unity is quite inviting. It doesn't matter what denomination, they are accepting and genuine and open to ideas that move them forward.

 How extraordinary in this day and time. There are still a lot of 'warriors' out there that aren't easily defeated by a setback. They more or less see setbacks as milestones to success.

My computer went down on me yesterday. I think the enemy is trying to tell me something. I only have one screen and for a novice such as myself, its a real hindrance to what I'm trying to accomplish here. Dang it! There, I've said it. I am anxious when I'm supposed to be 'anxious for nothing'.... Am I still human? Oh No! Where's the man of steel now? Yuck.

These 'light afflictions'. When do they cease? Never. We just have to get used to being attacked and not take it like someone chopped off a limb. (Want some whine with that cheese?)

 The studio made an advance. I stuck some of the foam soundproofing up yesterday while I was awaiting the tech's response to my 'cry for help'. I'm such an amateur. It looks alright, sorta. I guess I shouldn't complain, I did make some progress in that direction. Anything to get the noise knocked down a bit. I drive Di crazy (in the next room) with all my palaver. It's been said, 'she can hear a mouse poot across the street', but I'm  not sure. Pretty close.

Our days are getting longer.... Yea! The Spring is about to burst onto the scene, or 'spring' onto the scene; anyway, I 'm looking forward to some warmer weather at any rate.

Reach out to someone you know today. Tell them you are thinking about them and reassure them how loved they are by all. It's a good thing to do. You'll feel better, they'll feel better. The whole world will feel better for it. Trust me.

Monday, January 22, 2024

 I looked out. The winter storm had passed through during the early hours and chilled everything. The edge of the carport has tiny fingers of ice hanging down, already dripping from the sun that has poked its head through the clouds. All the trees have on an 'sweater' of silvery ice, each limb weighed down by the weight of the forming cold. The chickens visiting the yard are also weighed down with ice, making it difficult to for them to walk. Certainly their little legs are tired and sore from the frozen platform they walk on in search of food that will warm them. The rooster's tail is sagging with the ice and the hens are looking for ways to shed the 'cold blanket' they have found themselves wrapped in as the morning now moves into midday.

I marvel at how resilient the animals are. God has placed a 'will' in them to 'carry on' even through the tough times. Di was almost crying as she brought the plight of the chickens to my attention. Her tender heart is one of the most endearing things I love about her.

Here I sit, warm and alive in my little kingdom, surrounded by all 'the undone', working on getting better at what I'm trying to learn. I look to gather it all in and become proficient at what is required to be successful and try desperately not to get frustrated with how long it's taking to get there. We are so impatient. 

An artists friend sent me a short story. His take on life is very good. He always gives the credit, the glory, to God. I like that about my friend. People should be more like my friend. There is way too much 'self' in the mix nowadays. How did we get so self centered and 'needy'? I know the Bible says, "In the last days men's hearts will wax worse and worse..." Everything is coming true and to fruition around us. How can so many miss such strong evidence staring them in the face?

I'm wondering if anything I'm saying will be the least bit impactful or meaningful to its readers? Solomon said, "All is vanity..." Am I so vain that I think my words will have a bearing on life? How do these blogs measure up to truth; to reality? How much of ourselves must  we give before the answers are acted on? I keep typing away as though I had good sense.

My only surety is God. My only solace. I rest in the comfort that He is watching. He is guarding. He is laughing at my juvenile antics and attempts at being 'wise'. I love Him so.

What will the rest of the day bring? What marvels will I discover lying among the pages of the text? It's for us to search, it's for us to measure. Are we doing all we can to "make it better"? 

I sure hope so.

Friday, January 19, 2024

 "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party".

How many times have you heard that recently? In one form or another, the words ring true and sink deep into the spirit as we watch the news unfold around the world. The Bible is real and it is right. Every time we step away from God's principles we get kicked in the face with reality. The tried and true has been set aside by the 'nay sayer' and 'contrivers' using their power to deceive. I'm waiting for the move of God to surge right now. It's on the precipice, tipping toward change, radical change, that we haven't seen since the earth opened up and swallowed a whole bunch of people standing outside of God's protection. We HAVE TO get back on track here. The eminent danger is real. Everyone can see it but not everyone knows how to stop it. As Christians we have the tools in our 'toolkit' to stop all of this almost instantly. I know I'm not doing enough. How 'bout you? I've only just begun to speak up and speak out about this. Why did I wait so long? Why have I slept through the din of noise that should have awakened me from my stupor and been silenced long ago. The first time someone made a move to take God out of our schools we should have held a hanging. Harsh? Yes, and more. 

We can reference many times the judgement came suddenly, but not without warning. The Word said, "if My people , who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray...." But have we, really? Or have we half heartedly bowed our heads for a few moments to make a 'show of prayer' and then head to the fridge for a snack. 

Where is the sackcloth of repentance now? We're too proud to get our knees dirty. I fear for this land, the land I love so dearly. I will vote, but that in and of itself is not enough. I have to summon the courage, the backbone, to speak up and make my voice heard even in the distance. The more of us that speak up raises the awareness and the volume of dissent. "Louder!".... Just like at the football game. "Louder, louder.... we wanna win!" We have to stop playing defense and go on the offense for a change. Make a move and see what God does. He's waiting for His church to rise up and take back territory we've lost through laziness and apathy. Get out your soapbox and put on your travelin' shoes.... Time to march like the enemy does.... show out like the 'Rainbow people' do. Why do they get all the press? It's our turn to shine ya'll! God demands it.

"If you don't confess me before men I won't confess you before the Father..."

Enough 'rah rah', we have to be earnest about our beliefs. Evidently we don't believe God can 'do' anymore. Have we lost so much faith that we only 'hope' it will get better? That's not how God designed it. He put things in motion and inside of us that have real power.... not 'tv power'. We need to get this down in our 'knower' and know that we know that we know God is still on the throne and still running things. EVERYTHING. He doesn't work part time. He's a fulltime God and never sleeps nor slumbers. Our paths are already set. All we have to do is join the fight and begin to pay attention to that still small voice that beckons us into His presence. That the 'safe zone'. That's the answer to any and all issues.... Wars and rumors of wars, crime and violence and hatred and selfishness and anything else you wanna put on the list of 'bad for ya'.

Are you hearing me? Are you agreeing with me? Are you convinced that what we do is important? There are no 'lesser' parts in the body of Christ. We each play a significant role in the scenario; this 'dance of life'. YOU are important. You are essential in completing the picture of what God is doing here. He expects us to respond.

I'm convinced that we are on the verge of significant change. Every fiber in my being is aching with an anticipation and I don't know exactly what that means. I do know that these words swelling up inside of me are from Him. That's all it can be. I'm not prone to verbalizing this way. It's not in my nature to be the 'guy with the doom sign' standing in the crowd, ignored and seemingly of no consequence.

The sun is shining here. The coldness has somewhat subsided for the moment but it will return in earnest by nightfall. We will be dripping faucets and leaving cabinet doors ajar until the next temperature rise. Life goes on. Or does it? While I sit warm and fed and complacent in my spoiled brat state of being, I wonder how the rest of the world is. Are they thinking about tomorrow or just what they can find to eat today? It's ironic. We have such wealth and resources around us and yet we squander them on new clothes and internet connections and eating out 3 to 4 times a week while we throw away almost half of the food we do cook because we're bored with the same old steak and potatoes. Gourmet cooking shows are at the top of the viewing list. What used to be a 'cheap item' in the meat counter has quadrupled in price because some cooking show has highlighted it as 'the newest thing' to mix with broccoli and truffles. How gauche. Beans and cornbread, that's good.

I'm winding down. The winds of change have blown me off course. I'm not as 'in tune' as I used to be. My hermit personality is showing again.

Let's pray. Let's 'feel'. Let's come together like we used to and talk about things. I'm so tired of texting. There's no life in it. It's a stale exercise in procrastination at best. Looking into the eyes of the person across from you was once cherished as a privilege and a passion. Now we don't even look up from the 'screen' when someone comes into the room; too busy seeing what 's on Facebook. Sad.

I love you.

 Oh, this great thing You do.... this precise miracle of planting love inside of us and clearing away the dross of life and sin and hate..... Oh praise Your name....!!!

How I love you, Lord. Your mercy and forgiveness astound me. How could you love someone like me? I have sinned greatly and yet, your Word says that I'm forgiven... and 'redeemed' by the Blood. How do you come up with such greatness? I'm humbled, I'm ecstatic. 'Thank you' isn't nearly enough... not even a poor beginning. I worship You, Lord Jesus. The sacrifice, oh the totality of the torture and pain you surely suffered for someone like me! It's so hard to take in when I think of how selfish and spoiled and self centered I've been. And then there's the rest of us. How many of us feel the same? How many love You with the devotion and earnest aching inside for something, anything to show the gratitude? But, of course, You already know what's in our hearts. You made us.

As you all can see, I've been in Ephesians again. It doesn't matter how many times I read Ephesians 2: 8-9, I weep inside. Those were the words God was saying to me as I lay on that gurney in that ambulance suffering a 6 1/2 hour heart attack in 1992. The sheer gravity of the situation was nothing to me at the time. I was at peace inside and trying desperately to recall the words of those two scriptures. I think He was keeping me busy, as it were, to get my mind off of the pain and the severity of the moment. He's like that you know. Just when we think the world around us is about to cave in all around us and swallow us with disaster, He steps in.

Suddenly, all is well and it's as though it was only a bad dream; and sometimes it is. I can't count the bad dreams. Innumerable.

Oh, but the relief I feel when I think of how He loves me. How He just makes peace out of nothing and spreads it like crunchy peanut butter on the bread of my mind. I know.... where'd that come from? I don't know. It just jumped out of my fingers onto the page..... Who woulda thought?

I slept well for a time and then the cares of this world and 16 other things popped into my mind and I couldn't lie there another minute. I had to roll back the warm blankets and get out my Sword.

I'm not always faithful to read. I've been negligent. That's me 'Negligent John'.... again. And yet, He still loves me.... right? I can  always go to Him, always. There has never been a time since that day in that jail cell when I got down on my knees and asked Him to forgive me and come into my life and 'fix it", that He hasn't 'been there'. NOT ONE TIME. That's 52 years now.

It's good to look back in one sense only. To the day you surrendered control to the Creator and became the 'clay' that he could mold and shape and smile at. In my case He probably laughs.

Do you trust Him? Do even believe? Oh, you should. Your life will be so much the better for it. I can't begin to explain the joy I feel about being accepted into 'the family'. It's everything to me. It's life itself my friends, you should try it. 
And for those of you that know what I'm saying here, bravo.... blessings and peace to you, as you know so well.... just more of it...

Well, I guess I've rambled on long enough. I know you have other things to do.... but, at any rate, I am so thankful for those of you that might read this.... when ever that is. 

Saturday, January 13, 2024


 The norm is not. The usual is not. The surprise is not. We have become so 'indoctorinated' ( I made that up I think), that we seem to accept most anything printed or spoken across the airwaves. I am ashamed of our government. We get a new version of 'the truth' almost everyday and it's easy to see that it isn't truth, just propaganda. When do we stand up to tranny? Today, maybe? Our rights are dissolving rapidly and I don't see many doing anything but complaining.... (Yup, that's me.... complaining). 

How sad. The youth have missed so much. Their brains are plugged into machines that are draining them of all of their energy and creativity and the sense of right and wrong. I think of 'the old days'  when dinosaurs roamed the earth and I went outside to play and not sit for hours looking at a small screen while my brain evaporates.

 This stuff is straight out of the Bible. Turn to most any page where it's talking about what will happen in the future and you're reading a current newspaper of the situation we're living 'right now'. We just have modern clothes on.

Now, not everything is gloom and doom here.... We have Jesus! He's the only hope, but we need to act fast. The doors are closing swiftly and the light is being put out by the darker powers. The only comfort is that we win in the end, but in the meantime we have to fight back or lose our place in the world. I know, we're 'just passing through"... The Word says to communicate with each other and shine the light of love and truth into the darkness, which in turn, dispels the darkness and brings understanding and life and harmony and a lot of other positive and much needed things to the fore.

I know, it's been far too long that I have been here. I haven't been able to get on here for a bit, but I'm back and I hope the blog opens up for me when I need to write. It's frustrating to be 'shut out' and not get the answers to solve the issue.... God is good and I eventually overcome my ignorance and .... well, there ya go.... I 'doodit'.

I want to encourage not discourage. Exhortation is much better than tearing down the walls with negative verbiage. Wouldn't you agree? All you positive thinkers are agreeing....thanks.

Anyway, I just wanted to jump on and say, "Hello!" and send out a shout for freedom and the privileges we have left in this messy world we call home.

We are praying and fasting as a collective where I worship. I see the evidence of successfully praying and fasting in the Word, so I look forward to seeing the results of our efforts soon. Do you believe in prayer? I certainly hope you do. It's the only leverage we have against a wicked enemy out to kill us. I want to destroy everything I see as evil but I am reminded that I don't have that power; that's the Creator's job. I'm supposed to 'stay in my lane' here and be the good servant that pleases the Master and doesn't 'tick Him off' for getting in the way. I'm sure you all know what I mean.  ".... God, they are being a bunch of sinners down here! Don't you want me to bring down some wrath or something on them to make them behave?" 

Yup, you get it. We're better off watching the action from the sidelines where we belong as we praise Him and worship Him and stay out of the way.. yes? That doesn't mean we idly sit by and do nothing. We have to witness and share the Good News with the world, just not in anger or violence.

Okay, I've carried on long enough.... Time to get on to something else... 

Pray for me, please. I am studying to be a grant writer. I see so many that are worthy and yet, don't have the resources. If I can help that along, I believe I can be part of the 'big picture' and see the kingdom progress as the Master instructs. Pray for me and 'them' as I begin to search out the funders and successfully attain the needed approvals for projects He deems worthy. My little brain is struggling a bit with everything it takes to pull off a successful grant application, but I'm confident that Father will help me along. I think He's partial to the 'slower ones", yeah?

I see that I have a few 'followers'. I didn't realize you were there until the Lord pointed me in that direction on the home page. God bless you. Share these posts if you deem them appropriate and interesting. It would thrill me to no end to know that these writings aren't just babble from and old fart, but worthwhile tidbits that 'spark' the thinking mind.